Notes, Wills and Pedigrees
- 1989 -
by J Goulstone

also see START


Since the close of the Middle Ages what in many respects may be regarded as the most distinguished of the various Goodhind families scattered about the country was one settled in North Somerset, mainly in the picturesque stone-built village of Saltford, beside the river Avon half way between Bath and Bristol. For example all the numerous Goodhind wills proved until the last century in the premier ecclesiastical court, the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC), relate to members of this one particular family.

The Saltford Goodhinds, who first emerge into the light of recorded history during the reign of Henry VIII, were descended from a John and Edith Godehyne, born it seems sometime around the 1450s or '60s. However, other than what appears in their son John's will of 1528 nothing is known about this ancestral couple though they were probably related to the Bisses of Stoke Lane and Publow, one of whom was appointed overseer of the 1528 will.

By the 17th century the Goodhinds formed the principal family in Saltford. As many as six are found in the subsidies for 1609-10:

John, Thomas, Alice, Thomas junior, Joan and William

and 1628-29:

Sapience, John, Thomas senior and junior, William and Joan daughter of Thomas

while the same number signed the Protestant Petition of 1641:

Abednego, Jerome, John, Robert, William and Meshack

The Saltford parish registers go no further back than 1709 and the missing years can only be partially filled by the 14 Bishops' Transcripts at Somerset Record Office. Moreover many Goodhind wills were destroyed during the War. On the other hand no less than 9 Goodhind wills survive in the PCC registers 1528-1660 and fortunately, from a purely genealogical point of view, the family was extremely litigious. Consequently from the PCC registers and chancery proceedings in the Public Record Office it has proved possible to trace two unbroken lines of Goodhind ancestry (one covering 14 generations) back to the original John and Edith through their grandsons Thomas and John.

Chancery suits are indicated in the text by their C reference - C21 and 22 relating to depositions, others to plaintiffs' initial complaints and to defendants' replies. Unless otherwise stated it may be assumed that dates for baptisms, marriages and burials have been taken from the Saltford Bishops' Transcripts or from C.W.Shickle's typescript copy of the Saltford parish registers in the Society of Genealogists' library.

The Goodhind escutcheon depicted on the front page is based on the arms on Richard Goodhind's eighteenth century monument in Whitchurch parish church near Saltford.

J. Goulstone.
Bexleyheath, Kent 1989.

Medieval Records.

The most prominent person named Goodhind living in the Middle Ages was undoubtedly John Godhyne, a burgess and wool-merchant of Marlborough. First recorded in 1311, he may have been related to the William Godhine mentioned in the court rolls of the Berkshire manor of Brightwalton, some twenty miles from Marlborough, about 1280 (see N.Hone's The Manor and Manorial Records 1906 page 147). John owned an estate called Quidhampton in Wroughton from 1324 to '37 and in 1332 the reversion of the manor of Rokleigh for life. He also presented over 100 acres of land plus other properties in and around Marlborough to the town's two priories, in one of which 3 canons celebrated daily mass for his soul and the souls of his father and mother and their ancestors. In 1340 Edward III owed him 494 pounds in respect of supplies of wool and a 100 pound loan. Four years later John Godhyne was too ill to travel. He died about 1346 and in 1347 an inquisition found that by reason of his lands and goods in Marlborough he was taxed at a quarter of all taxations of the town and that while his lands had been alienated to the begging friars there his goods had come into the hands of divers persons so that none of them remained in the town. In 1352 his executors granted money to Lacock Abbey, only about 20 miles east of Saltford, to keep his obituary yearly on August 3rd with full offices of the dead and solemn requiem. He had a son, Geoffrey, joint plaintiff in 1320 in a court case concerning ownership of 57 acres of land; and possibly another in the William Goudhyne who served on an inquisition post mortem jury at Marlborough in 1332 - maybe the William Godhyne who held an acre of land in Bratton for life in 1340 and who, with his wife Margery, acquired lands in Escote and Nethercote together with a mill at Swindon in 1339.

Further afield a John Goudhyne received a pardon in Dorset in 1371 for outlawry in respect of his non-appearance before the justices of the bench to answer a plea of trespass against himself and his wife Agnes, while a John Godhyn was one of those accused in 1371 with besieging John Leukenore in his house at Dene by Spelsbury, Oxon, taking away 4 horses, 7 oxen and 200 sheep and attacking his servants. A little later, in 1393, Geoffrey Godehyne was named in a recognizance in the Great Red Book of Bristol and in 1423 John Godehyne of Bristol acted as a trustee of the will of one Walter Frampton.

The first Goodhinds recorded in Somerset seem to have been Richard Goudhyne (Goodhyne, Goodehyne) of Welewe or Wellow, named in 1328, 1339 and 1362 as owner of a plot of land outside Bath Bridge towards Widcombe (see C.W.Shickle's Ancient Deeds of Bath 1921), and William Godhyne, charged with assaulting the Bishop of Bath & Wells during a visitation of Yeovil in 1350 - compelling him to fly to the parish church for fear of his life and besieging him there for two days and nights! Several other references occur in the Bridgwater Borough Archives published by Somerset Record Society:

1366-7 John Godhyne
1404 John Godehyne (borough bailiff 1404; also mentioned 1416 and '37)
1417 Nicholas Godehyne
1445-9 Thomas Godehyne (in 1448 with his wife Alice)
1472 Joan Godhynne, widow (selling half a burgage outside the West gate of the town)
1473-83 Thomas Godhyn/Goodhyne, butcher

Bishop Langton's register has a John Roper instituted to Ashbury vicarage following the death of the previous incumbent William Godhyn. John and William Godhyn, both of Hurst in the Hundred of Martok, were fined 20s each for assisting the rebels during the Cornish rebellion and insurrection of Perkin Warbeck in 1497. And Sir John Godhyn, curate, witnessed Robert Stawell of Cothelstone's will in 1499 and as Sir John Goodhyn, clerk, that of Nicholas Fraunces of Camelflory in 1526.

In addition to those quoted in the text, printed sources for the above include The Victoria County History of Wiltshire, Close and Patent Rolls, Wiltshire Feet of Fines, and Inquisitions Post-Mortem.

The Goodhinds of Saltford - Pedigree 1.

0. JOHN and EDITH Godehyne - fl. c1450-1500? Sum left by son John 1528 for priest to pray and sing for their souls for two years. John and Edith had son:

1. JOHN G (son of John and Edith G - see 0 above) - husbandman, taxed at Saltford 1524; will dated 6.9.1528 proved 20.10.1528 PCC: To be buried within the church of our blissed Lady in Saltford. To the good warks of the said church 20s. Cathedral church of Wells 2s. For to have a well disposed prest to pray and singe for the souls of me, John Godehyne, John, my father, Edith, my moder, and for all Christian soules during two yeres, &£163;12. To John Godehyne, my son, myn overferme and a tenement called Racard's house and the griste mille, 6 oxen, 3 kyne, and almaner of harnes that belongith thereto with a wayne. Thomas Godehyne, my son, the state that I have in the tenement sett in Salford called Stibers tenement. Joan, my doughter £20. Alice, my doughter £20. Every of my godchildren 4d to pray for my soule. Residue: Isabell my wife, and Thomas, my son, executors. Overseers: John Bisse, of Publowe, Sir John Lygh, prest, 20s each. I sett my seal. Witnesses Richard Acreman, John Brokeman, William Jonys. John had 4 children:

a) John G - see 2 below.
b) Thomas G - see pedigree 2.
c) JOAN G - left £20 by father 1528.
d) ALICE G - left £20 by father 1528; by 1572 Alice and her sister Joan hnad married names Relie and Paramour and their children included William Relie.

2. JOHN G (son of John G - see 1 above): died 1572; will proved PCC; inherited Over Farm, Richard's House, grist mill and cattle from father 1528; taxed at Saltford 1543-4 as John Goodyn; in 1569 Saltford musters as John Goodwinde providing 1 corselet, 1 bow, 1 sheaf or arrows. Purchased part of Saltford Manor from William Horsey 1568 when described as clothier (The Schedule). Married firstly Alice daughter of John Holbyn of North Stoke who left 10 ewes to his daughter Alice Godhyn 1548 (PCC); married secondly Johanne daughter of Richard Fisher, husbandman of Bathampton (PCC 1572) who died 1600 as widow of Saltford, leaving no issue. From her will proved PCC we learn that she slept in the Manor House in a room, the chamber "next the churche", big enough to contain two beds, that her silverware included 4 spoons, a goblet and a salt and that among her crocks and pans she kept one special pan for heating milk "when I do rune my cheese". She left half her stock of wood to the parish poor, also £1 to the poor of Keynsham and £1 to those of Bath. John and his first wife had 4 children:

a) William G - see 3 below.
b) JOHANNE G - mother of William Gibonnes, under 21 in 1572 when inherited life interest in Braynes tenement, Saltford, from his grandfather with reversion to William Goodhind. His will proved Wells 1591.
c) ELIZABETH G - left 6 pieces of pewter by father 1572; married Thomas Fisher, yeoman of Bathampton, brother of her step-mother Johanne, by 1572 when their 3 daughters mentioned in father's will; husband's executor 1592 (PCC); legatee under Johanne Goodhind's will 1600 where named as Isabel Fisher; buried Bathampton 1.3.1607 as Elizabeth Fisher, widow; her will proved PCC as Isabel Fisher. John Hedges of Corston deposed that £40 paid by his father to William Goodhind (died 1583) was repaid at the Hart in Bath by Elizabeth the wife of Thomas Fisher (Public Record Office Chancery Proceeding C21 F2/8). Had 5 daughters and 2 sons including William Fisher c1580-1667 involved in law suits with the Goodhinds c1629-33 relating to Braynes tenement, bought by his father from William Goodhind shortly before William's death in 1583, which he leased for 3 lives to his brother in law John Goodhind of Whitchurch; still held the farm 1638 when his mare grazing in one of its fields was impounded by the Goodhinds.
d) ANNE G - left 6 pieces of pewter by father 1572; married Henry Davison c1543-1604, clothier of Freshford, by whom she had a daughter left 2 platters 1572; died before Henry who had several children by a second wife; her own children included Henry Davison junior, overseer of his aunt Elizabeth Fisher's PCC will 1607.

3. WILLIAM G (son of John G - see 2 above), yeoman and clothier of Saltford, inherited a good ewe from grandfather John Holbyn 1548; presumably William Goodwin in 1569 Saltford musters; inherited father's lands, tenements, woods and pasture 1572; died 1583 (will proved PCC). Bought Saltford Manor 1574 by deed dated 6.8: "This indenture made 12th April, in the 16th year of Elizabeth, between Bartylmew Horsey of Marten in Wiltshire, esquire. and William Goodhinde the elder of Saulford alias Salforde alias Saltforde, clothier, witnesseth that Bartylmew Horsey for 306 l. hath sold to William Goodhinde the lordship and manor of Saulford, with the capital messuage in Saulforde now or late in the tenure of William Goodhinde with all lands and rights belonging; four tenements in Saulford now or late in the several tenures of John and Johane Fussell, William Goodhynde the younger, Edward Awste, Agnes Gyles, widow, and Richard Gyles, and all lands belonging; a yearly rent of 8s 4d payable out of a tenement in Saulford now or late in the tenure of John Brayne the younger; all lands in Salford which were of William Horsey, deceased, his father, and all deeds concerning the premises, except such part of the manor as John Goodhynde, deceased, purchased of William Horsey. And Bartylmew Horsey doth covenant that he Bartylmew Horsey is true owner of the premises; and that he and Fraunces his wife will during the space of 5 years next ensuing do all such things for the further assurance of the premises to William Goodhinde by fine or otherwise, so that he and his wife Fraunces will not be compelled to travel further than the city of New Sarum; and that he will discharge the premises of all encumbrances, the rents due to the chief Lord of the fee and estates for not more than three lives made to the above named and others, not excepted." (Somerset Record Society Vol. 51; Enrolled Deeds number 166). Left life interest in the Manor House to wife Alice died 1614-15 (will proved PCC), possibly daughter of John Byde taxed at Keynsham 1570-71 (cf. her reference to "my well beloved brother William Byde of Keynsham"). Alice's wardrobe included her best gown, a green gown, 2 petticoats, 2 waistcoats, one red the other of fustian, a cloak and a velvet-lined hat; she also owned at least 8 silver spoons, a silver goblet and a large assortment of platters, dishes, crocks and porringers; while in her bedroom apart from the bed the principal piece of furniture was a great coffer later bequeathed to her grandson John Sturridge. Outside the house we know she kept 30 or more of her own sheep. William and Alice had 7 children:

a) John G - see 4 below.
b) William G - see 4 below.
c) George G - see 4 below.
d) RICHARD G - left 10 sheep and interest in Richard's tenement 1572; will proved Wells 1593. His sister Sarah deposed 1633 that he died above 39 years ago in possession of Braynes tenement by lease from his father, that she heard her father and mother say Richard should enjoy it for his life, that he owned Braynes by reason of lease "and the said Richard Goodhind did continue the possession thereof unto his dyinge daie", surviving Thomas Fisher (died 1592) by almost one whole year (C21 F2/8).
e) ROBERT G - left 10 sheep and interest in Richard's tenement 1572 when under 21; presumably died before 1583 as not mentioned in father's will.
f) JOAN G - born c1560 (aged 72 when chancery deponent 1633); left 2 platters by grandfather 1572 and £10 payable on marriage by father 1583; stated she knew John Goodhind died 1572 about 12 years and Thomas Fisher died 1592 about 20 years (C21 F2/8); married Richard Sturridge by whom she had 3 sons and a daughter; by 1614 married Jones, in 1633 styled Joan Jones, widow of Saltford (C21 F16/18).
g) SARAH G - born c1576 (aged 57 when chancery deponent 1633: C21 F16/18); inherited £10 payable on marriage from father 1583; deposed 1633 that she knew both William Goodhind died 1583 and Thomas Fisher died 1592; married to James Charmbury, yeoman of Bathampton, by 1600 when legatee of step grandmother Johanne; their children Sarah Charmbury, William Charmbury and James Charmbury named in mother's will 1614.

4. WILLIAM G (son of William G - see 3 above) - left 10 sheep 1572, and by father £3 10s rent paid twice yearly out of Saltford Manor and estate in the manor after mother and brother George's death 1583. It is evidently his now fragmentary will, proved Wells 28.4.1592, in Somerset RO (Goodhine 1592 D/D/Ct): "I bequeath my soul to Almighty (God)", "buryed in ye parish church or churchyard of (Saltford?)", 12d to the same church, daughter Sarah £5 paid by executrix at marriage, wife Alice executrix "giving unto her, (my debtes, legacies (and) funerall expenses paide and discharged) all ye rest of my goodes (and) chattelles whatsoever ... moveable as immovable", John Goodhine and Richard Stirridge overseers 6d each for their pains; witnesses John Godd, George Goodhinde with others; proved by Alice Goodhine; inventory £34 8s 6d. William had daughter:

a) SARAH G - inherited £5 payable at marriage under father's will 1592; in 1614 her grandmother Alice Goodhind left her 2 sheep and a quantity of household goods, remaining in custody of her aunt Sarah Chambery till she "chance to be married". Died 1635, inventory; wearing apparrell 30s, linnen 10s, one feather bed and coverlet 40s, one box and coffer 1s, all the pewter and brasse 54s, one cowe £4 6s 8d, six sheepe 18s, in monne 5s, total £12 4s 8d; signed Richard Lewes, Richard Hodges, John Vizer (Somerset RO D/D/Ct 1635).

4. GEORGE G (son of William G - see 3 above) - left 10 sheep 1572; £5 and life interest in Saltford Manor 1583; 2 boards in the hall, the wainscot, 2 forms and cupboard next to the hall door by step grandmother Johanne 1600. Witnessed William Goodhind's will 1592; He seems to have died c1608, soon after birth of son John since his name does not appear in the 1609-11 subsidy, nor was he mentioned in mother's will 1614. His wife Joan was presumably Joan taxed 1609-11 and Johane occupying a cottage etc. in Saltford 1627 (cf. "2 cottages and gardens" in tenure of Johane Goodhinde widow, and Hugh Brayne and "an acre of land in the Upfield of Saltford belonging to the said cottage in possession of Joane Goodhinde": Flower v Flower, Abstract of Defendant's right to Saltford Manor - Society of Genealogists MSS). She was buried 1635 as Joan, widow, "sometime the wife of George, deceased"; will proved Wells 1635. George's children were left a sheep apiece by Johanne 1600. George had at least 2 sons and possibly a third, George of Newton St Loe:

a) ROBERT G - bapt 1605; perhaps the Robert of Saltford buried Newton St Loe 1669 (will proved Wells 1669); as Robert Godwin with wife Katherine had three children:

i) ELEANOR G - bapt Keynsham 1630; Eleanor Godwin married Henry Cook at Keynsham 1664.
ii) THOMAS G - bapt Keynsham 1631.
iii) ROBERT G - bapt Keynsham 1637.

b) JOHN G - bapt 1607.
c) GEORGE G - as George Gooding in 1661 subsidy for Newton St Loe; the George whose wife Rebecca was buried Newton St Loe 1679, her entry in the register being followed by a note: "Who shall be next ? God knoweth". George and Rebecca had 5 children:

i) GEORGE G - bapt Corston 1634.
ii) JAMES G - bapt Newton St Loe 1637.
iii) GILES G - bapt Newton St Loe 1640; buried 2 days later 23rd May.
iv) JOAN G - bapt Newton St Loe 1640; buried 2 days later 23rd May.
v) JOAN G - bapt Newton St Loe 1643; Joan daughter of George Goodhind left a ewe and lamb by John Smith, husbandman of Newton St Loe 1650 (PCC will).

4. JOHN G (eldest son of William G - see 3 above) - probably born c1560. His sister Joan deposed she had known him for about 50 years. Left 6 sheep and 3 oxen by grandfather 1572; inherited Fryes tenement, reversion of Tates and whole of Saltford Manor 1583. Possibly John churchwarden 1599 and 1607, and John Gooding who attended Keynsham 'law daie' 1615. Mother's residual legatee and executor 1614. Brought chancery suit 8.5.1622 as yeoman, explaining how for 40 years past he "hath been resident and dwellinge at Saltford aforesaid on his ffree hold tenement there and by all the said tyme hath lyved in good estate and reputacon havinge a wief and manye children and by all the said tyme hath endevored by course of husbandrye and maner of his lyvinge to maynetayne him self his said children a greate howsholde and ffamilie and relieved manye poore people out of the .... increased by his labor and industrie", but "being unlearned nor erudited in the lawes but trayned and brought upp onlie in husbandrie not acquaynted with anye cuninge craftie and subtile dealings" and because his "simplicity therin beinge well knowne" to John Payne, craftsman of Keynsham and John Britton the elder, gentleman of Bitton, they plotted with Thomas Rodbourne of Week, Gloucestershire, to defraud him by persuading him to enter into a certain bond dated 16.8.1618 (C2 Jas 1 G5/75). John died 22.8.1624 (ipm); will proved Wells 1624 as John senior. Married Sapience (will proved Wells 1638), the daughter in law left silver goblet, etc by Alice 1614. In 1631 her son John said to have provided security for £5 she owed to Thomas Tucker, yeoman of Saltford (C2 Chas I G8/14). In 1600 Johanne Goodhind left a sheep apiece to John's children. He himself bequeathed an estate to each of his 3 surviving sons (C22 847/6). Altogether John seems to have had at least 9 children:

a) Abednego G - see 5 below.
b) John G - see 5 below.
c) Meshack G - see 5 below.
d) WILLIAM G - left a sheep by grandmother 1614; probably the William with sister Alice granted lease for life of 3rd part of fishing in Avon at Saltford and 1 withybed at Cannells Bath, 2 yards of land at Swynford weir, bullrush bed between Shutes weir and one before Saltford Common Mead at 16d per annum rent 1609-21 (Somerset Record Society Vol. 51: Somerset Enrolled Deeds); died before father.
e) ALICE G - apparently granted above lease with brother William 1609-21. They seem most likely children of John 4 because these were the names of his own parents. Judging by her grandmother's will Alice was dead by 1614 or else married to Rawlins or Blincomb, i.e. Alice Rawlins of Keynsham mother of Sarah and Margaret Saunders or more probably Alice Blincomb left a sheep and a flock bed, bolster, pair of canvas sheets, coverlet, holland sheet and holland pillow case.
f) ELIZABETH G - inherited a sheep, 2 pewter dishes and a holland handkerchief from Alice 1614; buried 1636 as Elizabeth daughter of John and Sapience, will proved Wells 1637.
g) EDWARD G - left 3 sheep by grandmother 1614 but must have died young.
h) ANNE G - left a sheep, featherbed, etc. by Alice 1614 though actual relationship not stated.
i) ELINOR G - received same bequests as Elizabeth under Alice's will 1614; as Elioner Harper helped the Goodhinds rescue her brother John's cattle as they were being driven along Saltford Street to the pound 1638 (see Abednego 5 below); wife of George Harper alias Hicks (weaver of Saltford, born c1597 (C21 F12/4), exempted from Hearth Tax 1670) and mother of Eleanor 1636, Edward 1639-39, Sapience 1640-60.

5. ABEDNEGO G (3rd son of John G - see 4 above) - yeoman, left 2 sheep by grandmother 1614; signed 1641 Petition; died c1655 (about 30 years ago in 1685 - C22 847/6); married for about 11 years to Anne (born c1613, aged 72 in 1685), sister of John Grabham, who as widow married ---- Davis. Subject of chancery contempt inquiry at Bath 31.8.1638 when the main witnesses were William Lane of Bourton {?}, Wilts, and John Cox of Saltford who supervised Braynes farm in Saltford on behalf of William Fisher of Bathampton (grandson of John Goodhind 2). Lane deposed that around Easter 1638 he and Cox, on finding them in a field belonging to Braynes, drove away cows belonging to John Goodhind (Abednego's brother) and impounded them in the Hundred of Keynsham pound. But two days later Abednego, Jeromy, Arthur and Anne Goodhind with one Jeromy Burnet brought the cattle from the pound and forcibly drove them back into the field where Abednego "bid the said Jeromy Goodhind to kill this depont (Lane) with his knife which the said Jeromy Goodhind had then .... in his hand." Later the same day Lane and Cox again took the cattle out of the ground "and were driving them through the street of Saltford towards the pound, in which street the said Abednego Goodhind, Jeromy Burnet, Jeromy Goodhind, Arthur Goodhind and Ann Goodhind sonnes and daughter of the defendant John Goodhind and one Elioner Harper did then with force ..... take the said cattle from this depont and the said Cox soe as they could not impound them." Afterwards, about Whitsuntide, Jeromy, Arthur and Ann Goodhind chased a mare belonging to William Fisher out of the same field, with Abednego waiting at the gate "where the said mare should come forth to aid and assist them". When Lane showed them an official warrant with the king's seal confirming Fisher's right to the ground Abednego "answered with words vizt. .... I care not a turd for it, nor for him that sent it." They then seized the mare and placed it in the Saltford common pound from whence Abednego removed it to the Hundred pound at Keynsham. Cox likewise deposed that the Goodhinds and Burnet, whom he described as children of John Goodhind, forced their cattle into the ground at Braynes "notwithstanding hee this depont and the said William Lane did to their power resist them", and further "Abednego did then hould upp a hatchett at the said William Lane, saying that he could find it in his heart to strike the said Lane in the head" (C21 G5/15). One inference seems to be that Abednego was then living with and working for his brother John, and presumably continued thus until his marriage in the earl 1640s. This may be why his son Shidrack evidently confused this John with Abednego's father John senior who died 1624 when years later he claimed their royalist sympathies caused them to leave Saltford during the Civil War - his "grandfather (sic) and father by reason of the instability and troubles of the times in the latter part of the said Matisse reigne and to avoid the grinding tyranny of the after usurping powers whose displeasure and resentment they had highly incurred were both forced .... to retire and abscond themselves in places ..... remote from their owne habitations" and "by reason of their continued loyalty incurred divers debts", both being "plaine and uncaring men" (C8 287/25). However, others declared that besides being "a churchman and an honest dealer" Abednego was "a man that loved to keep his coate whole and tooke neither King nor Parliament ..... not a person of power or authority in the said late Rebellion but a man that kept his church and medled not on either party but was accounted rather a loyal rather than a round head". During this period, on 19th January 1646, he mortgaged Tates tenement to William Bayley, a transaction which eventually led to a chancery action over ownership of the land, when his widow (in 1685) related how 35-40 years ago Bayley repeatedly came to her husband desiring to see his writings and deeds for the premises on pretence of patching up some difference which then existed between Abednego and Jeromy Goodhind concerning the land, promising to restore them afterwards. They were loaned to him but never returned even though she and her son asked him several times. To the question was Abednego "an easy foolish man ... (who) would part with what he had"? one villager replied that he "was a foolish giddy headed fellow and ready to pawne any thing for a quarter of the worth of it", another that he was "an easy foolish sort of man and would part with any thing for a small matter of money and .... hath heard that he hath borrowed fower shillings of one Marrian Long and returned back two of them presently for the loan of them and would often goe about and doe soe", while according to his widow he was "a foolish crasy man and would part with what he had for lesse than the vallue of it and did often goe up and downe to his neighbours and borrow of them a shilling or two or three and give them back halfe for the loane of it" (C22 847/6). Abednego had 2 sons:

a) eldest son - died aged 2 during father's lifetime (C22 847/6).
b) SHIDRACK G - yeoman of Saltford, 2nd son and heir; born c1645, aged about 40 in 1685; brought chancery suit v John son of William Bayley regarding ownership of Tates tenement 1683 (C8 287/25; depositions 1685 C22 847/6 - see Bristol and Avon Family History Society Journal pages 9-10). Possibly had son:

i) ABEDNEGO G - of Saltford, will proved Wells 1719.

5. JOHN G (eldest surviving son of John G - see 4 above) - yeoman, aged 30 or more at time of father's death 1624 (ipm); left a sheep by grandmother Alice 1614. His aunt Sarah Charmbury said she heard him "her cosen", "reade the will of John Goodhind his great grandfather" viz. John died 1572 (C21 F16/18). Owned Goodhinds Farm in Saltford which he sold away in several parcels (C22 847/6); known to the rector of Saltford as "farmer Goodhind" in 1634 (C21 G3/1). Disputed his cousin William Fisher's right to sell the farm of Braynes (bought or leased 31.1.1583 by his father Thomas Fisher from William Goodhind), claiming it was his own land; after entering and taking possession at the feast of St James 1629 became involved in chancery suits 1629-37 over ownership (see John Goodhind of Whitchurch) also had hearing in the Court of Common Pleas and visited London in connection with Braynes 1632; claimed he leased the land to cover his debts to the Vizers of North Nibley, Gloucestershire, 1633 presumably as part of marriage settlement (C21 F12/4); caused controversy by pasturing his cattle in a field at Braynes while judgement still pending 1638 (see Abednego 5 below). Brought chancery actions v Thomas Tucker 1631, regarding £26 bond dated 21.12.1625 for £13 borrowed by John Goodhind (C2 Chas I G8/14), and William Bayley 1633 (C2 Chas 1 G57/37 and G45/7) concerning sale for £80 of 2 meadows in Saltford called Calves Lease and Three Acres when it was agreed that if John repaid the sum with expenses plus 8% per annum interest within 7 years they would be returned. Bayley paid £62 when the deed was drawn up on 6.4.1632 and admitted he still owed £18. On 8.9.1632 they met in Saltford churchyard in the presence of the rector and others where John offered him £66, which was refused. One of the 3 witnesses to the deed was John Locke senior, father of the philosopher John Locke, who with his own father Nicholas gave evidence for John Goodhind when depositions were taken at Pensford on 20.3.1634 (C21 G3/1). While unmarried his younger brother Abednego seems to have lived with him and worked on his farm, presumably the reason why his son Shidrack confused him with Abednego's father, John senior (died 1624), when he reported in 1683 that his grandfather (ie uncle) John and Abednego were forced to leave Saltford during the Civil War because of their royalist tendencies. John was stated to have died during Shidrack (born c1645)'s infancy so can be identified with the John Goodhind, yeoman of Whitchurch, whose nunc. will of about 25.12.1649 - witnessed by his brother in law George Harper alias Hicks, proved PCC by daughter Joan, sole beneficiary 27.11.1651 - instructed his body to be buried in Saltford church. He married secondly? c1633 Agnes sister of John Vizer (born c1580), yeoman of North Nibley, named as his brother in law (C21 F16/13 and G3/1). Agnes held a lease on land in Braynes 1635 (C21 F12/4) and with husband sold 6 messuages in Saltford 1640 and another 1648 (Schedule). John had at least 4 children, none of them alive by 1685:

a) ANNE G - helped her brothers bring John Goodhind's cattle from Keynsham pound to Saltford and chase William Fisher's mare out of a field on Braynes farm 1638.
b) ARTHUR G - perhaps the son of John Goodhind bapt 1622 (name illegible in Bishops Transcripts); involved in dispute over father's cattle and Fisher's mare 1638; presumably died soon afterwards since did not sign 1641 petition.
c) JOAN G - youngest daughter, father's sole legatee and executrix 1649-51.
d) JEREMIAH G - (Jeromy) eldest son; prominent in rowdy scenes arising from disagreement over the right of father's cattle to graze in a field at Saltford 1638, when John Cox stated: "Jeromy Goodhind at such tyme as this deponent and William Lane did pull the cattle out of the said ground did drawe his knife at the said Lane, threatening to kill him" (C21 G5/15); signed 1641 Petition; said to have had a difference with Abednego over ownership of Tates tenement in Saltford c1645 (C22 847/6); with John and Agnes sold messuage in Saltford 1648 (Schedule); mortgaged Calves Lease and 3 acres to William Bayley but after father's death commenced suit against him for the land before coming to an agreement whereby Jeremiah sold it outright for a payment of money (C22 847/6).

5. MESHACK G (2nd surviving son of John G - see 4 above) - bapt 1605; husbandman of Saltford, giving age as 29, when chancery deponent for brother John 1634 regarding fields in Saltford called Calves Lease and Three Acres, which he declared he had known "ever since he hath bine of good memory" (C21 G3/1); churchwarden 1636; signed 1641 Petition; yeoman of Saltford 7.1650 when chancery plaintiff regarding money owing on bond dated 10.6.1646 when with John and William Goodhind he became bound for £80 to pay Devereux Castrell of Charlton, Gloucestershire, £40 18s by 10.12 following; executor and residual legatee of father in law William Goodhind 1653; died 1657-60. Married Joan Goodhind (see pedigree 2) who went to law 10.7.1660 about her right as widow to certain properties in Saltford formerly owned by the rector, Richard Lewis who died 1640, viz. (1) several messuages, lands, tenements, barns, stables, stalls, "pigescoates", edifices and buildings adjoining together, once in tenure of Richard Lewis, later Sapience Goodhind deceased, between on the West side a way leading forth from Saltford street unto a certain ground called Home close, then or late in occupation of Thomas Goodhind, and on the East side the house and beckside (i.e. farmyard) of Thomas Goodhind; (2) all that Barton lying on the South side of the said barns etc. and extending to Saltford street, then limited by "pilchent of certain stones" in the West side of the same Barton; (3) parcel of ground called Mow Barton limited and moated, extending in length from the North West "quine" (quoin) of the said barn northwards 48' and in width at the North end 17', with free liberty of ingress, egress and regress with all manner of drifts and carriages at all times through the aforesaid way leading from the street to Home close; (4) 8 acre close called Camers and 1 acre meadow in the westward end of the Common Mead of Saltford "shuting" along or near the Avonside. About 12.1639 Richard Lewis sold them to William Browning, who in 4.1643 sold them to Meshack, who by deed of 10.1657 conveyed them to William Tunstall and Thomas Goodhind to hold for the use of Meshack and Joan for their lives. After her husband's death Joan "well hoped quietly to have held and enjoyed the same accordingly". But, she claimed, Nathaniel Milner, yeoman of Compton Martin, with --- Goodhind, heir at law of Meshack and Richard Lewis junior confederated together to deceive and defraud her of her estate and share the benefit among themselves. Milner made several entries into the premises and threatens to make more, giving out in speeches that Richard Lewis conveyed them to his son Richard Lewis junior before selling them to Browning and the son afterwards sold them to him. And by some casual or indirect means the defendants have got into their hands the 3 deeds which they endeavour to conceal and suppress so the plaintiff cannot establish her right to the lands. Milner replied that the rector or his son, to discharge a £70 8s 6d debt owed his father Thomas Milner, on 28.12.1642 sold the 8 acre close and the acre in the Common Mead to Thomas's son Joseph in trust for the defendant. This he alleged was before the sale to Browning (though according to Joan that was in 1639). He only, he said, laid claim to these 9 acres (C6 165/44). Meshack had 3 sons and 2 daughters living 1685 when his brother in law, Thomas Goodhind, deposed that he had seen 4 of them within the past 2 days:

a) John G - see 6 below.
b) Richard G - see 6 below.
c) Meshack G - see 6 below.
d) SARAH G - bapt and buried 1636.
e) MARY G - bapt 1639; left a great chest, bed, bolster and bedclothes by grandfather William Goodhind 1653; presumably one of the 2 daughters living 1685 (C22 847/6).
f) ELIZABETH G - left grandfather William Goodhind's best crock 1653; presumably one of the 2 daughters living 1685 (C22 847/6).

6. JOHN G (eldest son of Meshack G - see 5 above) - bapt 1637; left £10 by grandfather William Goodhind 1653; living in Saltford as a blind man 1685. A week or fortnight before his uncle Thomas gave evidence 1685 John told him he had been requested to meet Francis Creswick esq. at Keynsham but about what he knew not. When Thomas later saw him there he related how Francis Creswick on behalf of the plaintiff (Shidrack) had asked him if he knew anything about the premises in question and had replied he had no idea why they went to law: his grandfather left plaintiff's father an estate and did not know why he should not enjoy it (C22 847/6). John probably had son:

a) JOHN G - buried Kelston 1714 as Goodwin; by wife Sarah (buried Kelston 1748); John had 6 children:

i) MARY G - bapt Kelston 1703; buried Kelston 1747; as Mary Godwin married James Butler (died 1777) at Kelston 1728; mother of John Butler 1729, Sarah Butler 1732, James Butler 1734, Grace Butler 1744 all bapt Kelston.
ii) BETTY G - bapt Kelston 1704.
iii) MESHACK G - bapt Kelston 1708; buried Kelston 1710.
iv) GEORGE G - bapt Kelston 1710; buried Kelston 1714 as Goodwin.
v) MARIA G - bapt Kelston 1713.
vi) JOHN G - bapt Kelston 1706; buried Kelston 1778; as John Godwin married at Kelston 1731 Tryphena Frankham (buried Kelston 1772). A list of life leases in Kelston Manor dated 1747 included John Goodhind (1741), wife Tryphena and son John (F.J.Poynton: Memoranda .... Relating to the Parish of Kelston). John had 4 children:

a) THOMAS G - bapt Kelston 1733 as Godwin.
b) GEORGE G - bapt Kelston 1738; as George, gentleman, witnessed wedding at Bath Abbey 1780; gentleman of Lambridge in Walcot, Bath, died 5.9.1819 aged 81, buried Kelston (M.I.); will dated 14.1.1817 proved PCC 6.10.1819; married Hannah, of Walcot, died 18.1.1811 aged 66, buried Kelston (M.I.).
c) SARAH G - bapt Kelston 1744; married William Friend of Kelston 1764; mentioned as widow of William in brother George's will 1819; mother of Thomas Friend 1765-66, Thomas Friend 1768, William Friend 1766-77, George Friend 1770, Tryphena Friend 1772, Mary Friend 1775, Sarah Friend 1777-77, Sarah Friend c1780-1853.
d) JOHN G - born c1733; assessed for land tax Saltford 1766; victualler of Saltford 1785-90; "son of John and Tryphena Goodhind of this parish who after a long illness exchanged this life for a better" 23.8.1803 aged 70 (M.I.), buried Kelston; will 17.4.1800 as yeoman late of Saltford now of Shockerwick in Bathford proved PCC 22.11.1803; bequeathed daughter Betty wife of William Deane, farmer of Shockerwick Farm, 5 acre meadow in Saltford in tenure of Robert Nichols for life, then to grandson John Goodhind Deane; wife £30 annuity for life; good friends William Deane and Joseph Deane, farmer of Englishcombe, £900 on trust placed in government or good security paying interest to daughter Betty and after her death towards education, support and bringing up of grandchildren John Goodhind Deane, Elizabeth Deane and Eleanor Deane till 21 when £400 paid to grandson and £250 each to granddaughters. witnesses Betty Millward and Tryphena Friend. Married firstly at Kelston 1755 Elizabeth or Betty Nash, died 3.12.1765 aged 31, buried Kelston (M.I.); married secondly 1770 Mary Laws of Bath Abbey parish, buried Kelston 1810 aged 77 as widow of Bathford; administration PCC to Benjamin Lawes next of kin. John had 3 children:

i) SUSANNAH G - bapt Kelston 1760; buried Kelston 1766.
ii) SARAH G - bapt Kelston 1764.
iii) BETTY G - bapt Kelston 1761; buried Wellow 1840; died 12.1840 aged 80 (M.I.)); as Elizabeth married 1785 William Deane of Shockerwick Farm (witness John Goodhind victualler), both mentioned in George Goodhind's will 1819. William Deane of Bathford died 20.12.... aged 62 (M.I. Wellow). Had 3 children bapt Saltford: Betty Deane 1787 (Elizabeth Willis died 27.5.18... aged 37, (M.I. Wellow)), John Goodhind Deane 1790-1848, executor of George Goodhind 1819, died 1.12.1848 aged 59 (M.I. Wellow), Eleanor Deane 1792.

6. RICHARD G (son of Meshack G - see 5 above) - left 12d by grandfather William Goodhind 1653; presumably the unnamed son of Meshack living 1685 (C22 847/6) and the Richard of Saltford will proved Wells 1692. Perhaps John had son:

a) RICHARD G - (son of Richard senior ?); Richard father of Meshack named in Meshack senior's will 1707 and Richard husband of Hannah from Kelston Mills buried Saltford 1744?. Richard had daughter Mary and probably son Meshack and daughter Elizabeth:

i) MARY G - bapt Kelston 1712.
ii) ELIZABETH G - born c1697; married with parents' consent William Saunders, saddler of Bath, at Saltford 1716 when aged 19 residing in Kelston (Marriage Licence); mother of Mary Saunders of Bath, bapt Saltford 1717.
iii) MESHACK G "Godwin" - buried Kelston 1735; the Meshack son of Richard left £10 by Meshack Goodhind 1707?

6. MESHACK G (son of Meshack G - see 5 above) - yeoman; left 12d by grandfather William Goodhind 1653; died 1707, will proved Wells 1707. His wife Abigail buried 1715, will proved Wells 1715. Meshack had a son Edward and possibly a son William who had a daughter bapt Abigail:

a) Edward G - see 7 below.
b) WILLIAM G - married at Kelston 1711 Elizabeth Atwood (buried Weston 1744 as Mrs Godwin from Bath); William had six children:

i) ANN G - bapt Saltford 1714.
ii) ABIGAIL G - bapt Weston 1717 as Godwin.
iii) son - bapt Weston 1720 as Godwin.
iv) daughter - bapt Weston 1723 as Godwin.
v) GEORGE G - bapt Weston 1726 as Godwin.
vi) BETHIAH G - bapt Saltford 1729.

7. EDWARD G (son of Meshack G - see 6 above) - buried 1773; during mother's lifetime married Elizabeth buried 1779 as Betty. In 1774 his son Joseph and widow Elizabeth went to court stating that Meshack, yeoman, late of Saltford, possessed estates, messuages, lands and tenements (including the house where he dwelt with garden, orchard and property called Bathside) which he bequeathed to his dear wife Abigail for her life with reversion to his son Edward, also 3 acres of pasture called Gassons Cross at Bathside left to Edward. Meshack died about 1707 leaving a will proved by his executrix Abigail about 9.1707 which required Edward to pay Meshack son of Richard Goodhind £10 one year after Abigail's death. Abigail died around 9.1716. Edward had insufficient funds to discharge the £10 legacy so about 1716-17 secured £20 loan from Lamerock Flower of Saltford. On 12.8.1719 he witnessed Lamerock's will proved PCC 1719 which referred to the mortgage on Edward Goodhind's house. After Flower's death his sister Mrs Joanna Flower pressed for repayment. Unable to pay, Edward conveyed the above premises to Joanna for the term of his life. Joanna held them till her death, then they were owned until his death by her nephew John Flower, then by Lamerock Flower, gentleman of Saltford (son of George Flower, deceased and nephew of the said John Flower), still in occupation and holding all the relevant papers in 1774. Edward Goodhind died intestate about 1.3.1773 leaving Elizabeth his widow and Joseph his eldest son and heir. They contended that Elizabeth was entitled to the premises but Lamerock claimed them as his own (C11 2410/29). Edward had 6 children:

a) Joseph G - see 8 below.
b) Samuel G - see 8 below.
c) HENRY G - bapt 1714; died unmarried before 1773 (C11 2410/29).
d) MARY G - bapt 1716.
e) GEORGE G - bapt 1719; died unmarried before 1773 (C11 2410/29).
f) JOYCE G - bapt 1723; witnessed a marriage at Saltford 1758; as Joyce Gooding married 1759 Thomas Webb.

8. JOSEPH G (eldest surviving son of Edward G - see 7 above) - bapt 1726; yeoman of St Philip and St Jacob parish, Bristol, 1774 when brought chancery suit with mother Elizabeth v Lamerock Flower (C11 2410/29); buried St Philip and St Jacob, Bristol, 1775 or 1779; married Susannah. Joseph had 6 children:

a) ANNE G - bapt and buried St Philip and St Jacob 1753.
b) SAMUEL G - bapt 1754 St Philip and St Jacob; gardener, admitted freeman of Bristol 1781 after marriage to Mary daughter of William Hankin, brickmaker; recorded as gardener of St Philip and St Jacob parish in directories 1781-84; Samuel and Mary had son:

i) JAMES G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1779.

c) ELIZABETH G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1759.
d) JOSEPH G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1762 and buried St Philip and St Jacob 1764.
e) MARY G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1764.
f) SARAH G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1768.

8. SAMUEL G (son of Edward G - see 7 above) - bapt 1732; married at Saltford 8.4.1760 Ann Harris, spinster (witness John Goodhind); moved to Bristol and had 7 children:

a) George G - see 9 below.
b) ANN G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1761; married 8.2.1779 Richard Welsh, bapt 20.7.1760 St George, brickmaker of St Philip and St Jacob 1779, freeman of Bristol 1781, and had children James Welsh 1779-, William Welsh 1782-1865, Anny Welsh 1785-, Ann Welsh 1792- and Isaac Welsh 1798, from whom descend the Welsh family of Midsomer Norton, Prattens of Staple Hill, etc.
c) GEORGE G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1763, died in infancy?.
d) JOYCE G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1770, died in infancy?.
e) JOYCE G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1770.
f) THOMAS G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1776.
g) RICHARD G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1779.

9. GEORGE G (son of Samuel G - see 8 above) - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1765; married Mary; George had two children:

a) ANN G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1795.
b) GEORGE G - bapt St Philip and St Jacob 1802.

The Goodhinds of Saltford - Pedigree 2.

0. JOHN and EDITH Godehyne - fl. c1450-1500?; see pedigree 1. John and Edith had son:

1. JOHN G (son of John and Edith G - see 0 above) - husbandman, taxed at Saltford 1524; will dated 6.9.1528 proved 20.10.1528 PCC; married Isabel; see pedigree 1. John had 4 children:

a) John G - see pedigree 1.
b) Thomas G - see 2 below.
c) JOAN G - left £20 by father 1528.
d) ALICE G - left £20 by father 1528; by 1572 the sisters' married names were Relie and Paramour and their children included William Relie.

2. THOMAS G (son of John G - see 1 above) - inherited Stibes tenement 1528 when father's executor; taxed at Saltford 1543-44 as Thomas Gooding; presumably dead by 1570 since not recorded in subsidy. Married Johane who as widow married John Fussell, yeoman of Saltford and Stoke Lane, and was executor of his will 1585 when received 40s per annum for life; held tenement in Saltford in own right as Joan Fussell 1574; buried 1605 when her will said to have been proved by son Thomas Goodhind (C21 F6/6 and F27/56). Among Thomas's children, left a sheep apiece under his brother John's will 1572, were:

a) William G - see 3 below.
b) Thomas G - see 3 below.

3. WILLIAM G 'the younger' (son of Thomas G - see 2 above) - perhaps William Goodwine, archer, Keynsham musters 1569; taxed at Saltford 1570 as Godwyn or Goodwyn; occupied tenement bought by William senior from Bartholemew Horsey 1574; left 40s and (with brother Thomas) his plough harness by father in law and step father John Fussell alias Clarke 1585; will proved Wells 1603. Married Johan Fussell born c1545 - left cow by father John 1585; aged 84 when too old and impotent of body to travel from Saltford to Frome to give evidence in chancery hearing 1629 and 88 when deponent 1633 (C21 F6/6 and F27/56); Their children, left a sheep each by John Fussell 1585, included:

a) EDITH G - inherited an additional 20 sheep and a heifer from grandfather John Fussell 1585; in 1629 referred to as Edith Wood, widow, daughter of Johan Goodhind nee Fussell and sister of William Goodhind (C21 F6/6). Most likely married George Wood of Saltford buried Bitton 1622. Edith possibly had children George and Barnaby (died 1690) Atwood of Saltford).
b) THOMAS G - known as "the younger" to distinquish him from his uncle Thomas and his cousin Thomas "the youngest"; presumably died c1623-29 as not called as witness at chancery hearings; Thomas had the following children:

i) JOHANE G - as daughter of Thomas left a sheep by Johane Goodhind, widow, 1600; apparently died 1600-5, though conceivably she was daughter of Thomas 3 (see below).
ii) JOHANE G - bapt 1606; "Johanne Goodhind the daughter of Thomas Goodhind" in 1628 Saltford subsidy.
iii) ELIZABETH G - bapt and buried 1607.
iv) MARY G - bapt 1623 as daughter of Thomas "the younger".

c) WILLIAM G - born c1570, died 1653; received 10 groats as overseer of Robert Adridge, rector of Saltford, 1615; churchwarden 1622, 1639; yeoman aged about 60 in 1629, 60 in 1633 and 63 in 1633 when chancery deponent (C21 F/6, G5/15, F2/8); in 1639 deponent aged 60 when gave evidence about hiring a horse at Saltford to Anne Shephard (C21 W38/5). Stated he was son of Joan and grandson of John Fussell and knew John's land in Stoke Lane all the time of his remembrance (F6/6); he heard his father say William senior (died 1583) was possessed of 5 tenements: "his said father did likewise saie that he might have bought the ... of the said tenements in the possession of William Goodhind the younger, of the said William Goodhind" (F2/8); he knew William Goodhind who died 1583, also John Goodhind & William Fisher from their infancy (F2/8). On 6.1.1636 brought chancery suit, saying about 16 years last past (c1620) he owned a messuage with 78 acres of land, meadow & pasture in Saltford worth £40 per annum., bought with his own money from William Bassett esq deceased of Uley, Gloucestershire, and his brothers Barnabas Bassett and Edward Bassett. About 10.1630 when "visited by the hand of Almighty god with sickness in so much that yor orator was destitute of all hope of life havinge many smale children and none of them pvided for of any porcon of goods or monies to pferr or settle them in any course of livinge in the worlde for their maintenance yf in case yor orator had then dyed" and "being much oppressed with greife and takinge to himselfe some care of his younger children", he hoped his second son Robert "would be in stead of a ffather to his brothers and sisters and also an obedient and dutifull childe to his mother yf in case it had pleased Almighty god to take yor orator at that tyme out of the miseries of this worlde," and pay the children £20 each when 21 or married. The sums were to be paid out of the profits of the above property which he conveyed in trust by deed of 2.11.1630 to Richard Lewis, rector, and John Parsons, yeoman of Saltford for the use of the plaintiff. William for life, then for his wife Elizabeth, then after her death for Robert for life, under condition that if he were restored to health he would be re-instated as owner. They assured him the deed was made accordingly and he sealed it "albeit he was at that tyme soe sick and weake in body that he knew not what he did other than what he was informed or made to believe was true as aforesaid". On regaining his health he was unable to recover his estate. Robert, he claimed, confederated with Richard Lewis and John Parsons so that they refused to return the deed or a copy, and "now giveth out in speeches that yf yor orator were dead he would psently enter into and uppon yor orators said lands and expulse yor orators now wife and leave yor orators younger children destitute of any releife for their said porcons" - "and also behaveth himself in such deboyse and undutiful maner towards yor orator in wastinge and consuming yor orators estate and goods that yor orator is like to be utterly undone by him." The defendants replied that in 10.1630 William had 4 daughters, Joan, Elizabeth, Welthian and Edith, unprovided for and had conference with Robert when he agreed to settle the messuage (minus part of the land worth £8 per annum sold to Thomas Tucker now dead) on Robert for raising money to pay Joan £50, Elizabeth £20, Welthian £20, Edith £10, while to ensure payment Robert entered into bonds with each of them, for £100, £40, £40 and £20 respectively. The deed of feoffment was made according to William's meaning at the time. Robert denied collusion with Richard Lewis and John Parsons or that he would expel Elizabeth from the land, she having an estate therein for life, or leave her children destitute; also denied that he "doth anie way carrie himself undutifully towards his father". He further claimed that if the deed (in Lewis' custody) were handed back some ill-minded persons might persuade William to make over his right to others "ill asserted" towards him (C2 Chas 1 G36/46). From the dispute it seems probable that William had 2 sons by a 1st wife and other children by a 2nd wife Elizabeth (died 1631 - 53) who was actually Robert's step-mother and maybe the real instigator of the suit. William died 1653 (will proved PCC) having had at least 7 children:

i) EDITH G - child 1630 when allocated £10 marriage portion; in his will her father mentioned a £10 "bill obligatory" payable on certain lands in Saltford "unto my daughter Edith Goodhind deceased" passed by her "to mee in consideration of a marriage porcon wch I gave her in hand payd".
ii) ELIZABETH G - child 1630 when allocated £20 marriage portion; left pair canvas sheets 1653; married John Dowling (died 1677) at Kelston 1636; buried Kelston 1669 as Elizabeth wife of John; mother of Mary 1638 (left a pewter candlestick 1653), John 1637-37, John 1640, Elizabeth 1651, Thomas 1645, Edward 1649 - her children received 12d each from their grandfather 1653.
iii) WILLIAM G - bapt 1599; bequeathed "one dictionarye, three volumes of Tullyes orations, one Ovide Epistles" by Rev Robert Adridge 1615; living at Chipping Sodbury by 1632; William had 2 children named in his father's will:

a) WILLIAM G - of Chipping Sodbury; inherited grandfather's fowling piece and chest containing his papers 1653.
b) MARY G - bapt Chipping Sodbury 1632; left platter and candlestick 1653. Aged about 30, spinster of Chipping Sodbury licensed to marry James Hollister about 30, clothier of Saltford 9.2.1664 (Somerset RO D/D 0137).

iv) JOAN G - born after 1619 as minor in 1630; probably eldest daughter since listed first in chancery document and awarded the largest marriage portion (£50); chancery plaintiff 1660 as widow of Saltford (C6 165/44); married Meshack Goodhind (see pedigree 1 - Meshack 5).
v) WELTHIAN G - child 1630 when allocated £20 marriage portion; as "Welthing Tunslale" left 12d nd her children 12d each by father 1653. Presumably wife of William Tunstall, yeoman of Saltford, a trustee of her sister and brother in law Meshack 1657. His children Elizabeth, Mary, Edith, Thomas and William left £100 jointly by their grandfather, Thomas Tunstall, yeoman of Batheaston 1656 (PCC will).
vi) THOMAS G - born c1619; left bedstead, bed and chest by father 1653; trustee of his sister Joan and brother in law Meshack 1657; clothworker of Saltford aged about 66 when chancery deponent at Lamb Tavern, Bristol 1685 (C22 847/6); possibly Thomas who married Elizabeth Griffith 1641 at Bath Abbey.
vii) ROBERT G (2nd son) - bapt 1607; defendant in chancery action brought by father 1636; signed 1641 Petition; dead by 1653; Robert apparently had son William below, whose only surviving son was named Robert:

a) WILLIAM G - "of Salisbury"; inherited from grandfather coffer, best mow stavel, witch, tub, etc in barn 1653; presumably William Goodhind, yeoman of Bemerton near Salisbury, who married Mary Cox of same parish 1676 (Wiltshire Marriage Licence). Will proved Salisbury 1691, inventory (Wilts RO) amounting to £981 9s; held lease of the Bell Inn at Fisherton Anger, Wiltshire, and owned freehold farm at Bemerton where in 1691 had 93 acres of wheat, 74 of barley and 14 of peas, also 313 sheep, 60 lambs, 12 cows, 9 heifers, 2 calves, 24 pigs, 15 horses, assorted poultry in the farmyard plus 20 flitches of bacon and 300 cheeses in store. Mary must have been his 2nd wife. She can perhaps be identified with the Mrs Goodhind who occupied a brick-kiln at Salisbury 1706, run as Forhead and Goodhind 1714-16. 4 children were mentioned in William's will:

i) ELIZABETH G - born c1668; left £150, father's freehold house and lands in Bemerton, granary, 2 carthouses, small rick stavell, pump, all loose boards in the loft and all the racks and mangers; as spinster of Bemerton aged 28 licensed to marry George Prowle, yeoman, bachelor aged 23 of Gussage All Saints, Dorset 1696 (Wiltshire Marriage Licences).
ii) ROBERT G - left £100 when 21.
iii) MARY G - left £50 when 21 or married.
iv) ANN G - left £50 when 21 or married.

b) KATHERINE G - as Katherine Woodford, widow, named as sister in William's will 1691 under which left life interest in his house where she was then living at Fisherton Anger, "called the sign of the Beall" (inventory).

3. THOMAS G (son of Thomas G - see 2 above) - c1553-1639, buried as Thomas senior. With brother William left his plough harness by step father John Fussell 1585; churchwarden 1605 (unless this was Thomas son of William); inherited John Fussell's will from mother 1605 - "unto whose hand .... (the) will came as being executor to Johan his mother". In 1629 with sister in law Joan Fussell unable to travel from Saltford to Frome for chancery hearing: "they both are of such great age and impotence of body (as not to be) able to come to this place to be examined" (C21 F6/6). Yeoman of Saltford aged about 80 in 1633 when deposed that William Goodhind (died 1583) after purchasing his land "was desirous of satisfaction of his debts to make sale of certain messuages or tenements or some part of them, and did sell to this deponent's knowledge one of the said messuages for .... yeares to William Goodhind this deponent's brother" (C21 F2/8). He or his wife appears to have been related to John Tucker of Attford, Wiltshire, whose PCC will 1624-25 left 20s to "Jeane Goodhin", maybe Thomas's wife or daughter, possibly the Joan daughter of Thomas who inherited a sheep from Johane Goodhind 1600? Tucker also left £4 equally divided among John Goodhind's children and £3 equally divided among those of Thomas Goodhind, the inference being that they then had 4 and 3 children respectively. Thomas and John were the 2 sons of Thomas senior of Saltford:

a) Thomas G - see 4 below.
b) John G - see 4 below.

4. THOMAS G (son of Thomas G - see 3 above) - c1595-1645, yeoman of Saltford, chancery deponent 1633 aged 38 and 1637 aged 42, stating he knew John Goodhind (died 1624) for about 20 years before his death, and that he was present with Thomas Goodhind of Kelston when John of Whitchurch demanded possession of Braynes tenement from John of Saltford (C21 F2/8 and F12/4); called Thomas "the youngest" when churchwarden 1623. Will 22.7.1644 drawn up when "in good health and of good and perfect memory" proved PCC 1645. Left 40s to poor of Cold Ashton, 40s to poor of Bitton, 40s to poor of Saltford; and all goods, chattels and household stuff she held before marriage, a quarter of his best wheat, quarter of his malt and a flitch of bacon to his wife Elizabeth. His daughters Rebecca and Elizabeth received the residue, paying funeral expenses; kinsmen Thomas Goodhind of Kelston and his brother John were overseers while the will was witnessed by Robert Penney, Richard Poole and Robert Randall. Thomas's will named 4 daughters:

a) ELIZABETH G - residual legatee and executrix with Rebecca; left father's lands in parish fields, hamlet and tything of Saltford out of which paying Edith's £4 annuity; and messuage with 70 acres of meadow, land and pasture leased from Sir Edward Rodney and Francis Trenchard esq. Died, apparently unmarried, before 1681 when brother in law John Chetwynd granted administration to father's estates.
b) EDITH G - left £4 annuity out of lands in Saltford, payable quarterly at the four feasts of St Michael, Christmas, Annunciation of Virgin Mary and John the Baptist.
c) MARY G - left £5 annuity out of lands in Bitton, Upton and Beach payable on the above feast days.
d) REBECCA G - bapt 1623; buried in chancel of Temple church, Bristol c1680; joint residual legatee and executrix, left all father's lands in parish field and hamlets of Bitton, Upton and Beach out of which paying Mary's £5 annuity; and lease of 50 acres of pasture commonly called Noad in Cold Ashton. Married at Bitton 1645 Rev John Chetwynd 1623-92, later vicar of Temple church, a popular preacher and author of many religious tracts, also a history of the world published in 1674 (see his entry in Dictionary of National Biography). Rebecca and John had 4 children: Rebekah Thresher, Jane Clare, Eleanor Mace and Edward Chetwynd (married 1692 Alice daughter of John Harington and d.s.p. 1695). On Edward's death his sisters became co-heiresses to their mother's lands in Upton Cheney which they sold 1707 (F.J.Poynton: Memoranda .... Relating to Parish of Kelston iii 21).

4. JOHN G (son of Thomas G - see 3 above) - born c1591; buried Whitchurch 1660; yeoman aged about 44 of Whitchurch 1635 (C21 S1/6); churchwarden Whitchurch 1613, 1622, 1641; referred to in manorial records c1629-39, 1644-5; will proved PCC. Married at Kelston 1609 Mary Briton (bapt Kelston 1593, daughter of William and granddaughter of John Briton, Town Clerk of Bath in the 1570's and Deputy Receiver General for Somerset). Left a silver tunn by father in law 1636 while Mary inherited best petticoat, best damask table cloth and 6 of best table napkins from mother 1648. Bought 2 messuages in Saltford 1615, 2 in 1618, 4 with Thomas Tucker lands .... (and) did all his life time suffer the said John Goodhind of Whitchurch and this deponent Thomas Tucker quietly and peacablie to hold .... the said several tenements" (C21 F2/8). Chancery actions followed with John Goodhind of Saltford 1629, which went to arbitration c1631 (C2 Chas 1 G24/32, G2/29), and William Fisher 1633 (C2 Chas 1 F2/70, C6 1/96, C21 F16/18, F2/8, G5/15 and F12/4). John is known to have had 2 sons and 2 daughters:

a) Thomas G - see 5 below.
b) John G - see 5 below.
c) MARIE G - bapt Kelston 1613; Mary daughter of John buried Saltford 1621?.
d) ELIZABETH G - married Lamerock Flower of Saltford (presumably son of Lamerock who acquired the manor 1627); their initials carved over the fireplace of Manor House are dated 1645, most likely the year of the wedding. Left £20 and £6 per annum out of leasehold tenement in Saltford by father 1660; still living 1695 (C5 152/35). Mother of Ichabod Flower, whose will proved PCC 1691 mentions his "loving mother Elizabeth Flower", Lamerock Flower junior c1652-1737, John Flower died 1693/4 and Anne Flower died 1698 left second best bed, bed clothes, table cloth and 6 table napkins by John Goodhind 1660.

5. THOMAS G (son of John G - see 4 above) - born c1613; died 1691? One of the lives in 1616 purchase of Braynes tenement (C2 Chas 1 G13/46 and F2/70); clothier aged 24 of Kelston 1637 when deposed that he was present when his father John demanded possession of Braynes from defendant John Goodhind on behalf of William Fisher and the defendant replied he had already sold it to satisfy his debts (C21 F12/4); left 40s by grandfather William Briton 1636; table and forms in the hall at Kelston, best trunk, 2 barrels, scales, weights etc by grandmother Mary Briton 1649; 3s 4d by father 1660. As Thomas of Kelston overseer of Thomas Goodhind of Saltford 1644-45. Probably Thomas in Whitchurch manorial records 1677-82. Bought messuage in Saltford from John and Agnes Goodhind 1648; as Thomas the elder with Thomas the younger (his son?) party to lease in Saltford 1669 (The Schedule). Known to have outlived his son Thomas so apparently Thomas of Saltford whose will proved Wells 1691. Possibly married Elizabeth Griffith 1641 at Bath Abbey. However he can also be identified with reasonable certainty with Thomas of Saltford, a quaker 1655-75, husband of Hannah died 10.6.1667. His son Thomas was presumably born before he joined the Society of Friends and had births of 3 children entered in register of Keynsham and Brislington Meeting (P.R.O. ref RG6 1023):

a) HANNAH G - born Saltford 13.3.1655; married 1679 Walter Kippon (died 1704), tailor of Wine Street, Bristol; left reversion of brother Thomas' estate 1690 if both his children died unmarried as minors.
b) JOHN G - born Saltford 10.4.1659.
c) JAMES G born Saltford 22.6.1663; died 25.8.1663
d) THOMAS G - left £5 by grandfather 1660 as son of Thomas; with father party to lease of land in Saltford 1669 as Thomas the younger and elder; exchanged land in Saltford with John Bayley 1686 as Thomas the youngest (The Schedule). Styled Thomas Goodwin, yeoman of Saltford, when licensed to marry 1681 Rebecca Fisher, spinster aged 21 of Newton St Loe (buried Newton St Loe 1686 as wife of Mr Thomas 'Goodwin' of Saltford). A document in Gloucestershire RO states that Thomas the younger left his son Thomas an estate along with house and lands in Saltford to be mortgaged after the death of his father (i.e. Thomas 5) for £250 bequeathed to his daughter Ann, with reversion in case of his 2 children's deaths before 21 or marriage to his sister Hannah (D2071 E54); Thomas had two children:

i) ANNE G - born c1682-86; left £250 by father 1690.
ii) THOMAS G - born 1683; died 1757. After grandfather's death his maternal grandmother Ann Fisher became his next of kin (D2071 E54); came into father's property when as Thomas, clothier of Saltford, signed release to Henry Fisher, gentleman of Newton St Loe, acknowledging receipt of all moneys, deeds, writings, etc held by his son as trustee appointed under his father's will, 20.12.1704 (Gloucestershire RO D2071 E55). Leased property in Saltford to Mr Harvey 1705 (Society of Genealogists MS); owned Church View Cottages, nearly opposite the school, sold to J Atkins 1748, and Avonside (formerly Barton Court) 200 yards from school towards top of street on right, formerly a farm, later held by his son John till 1790. Bought chancery suit v son in law John Dory 1748-9 after he had tricked him into signing deed by getting him drunk in a public house in Keynsham (C12 835/20). Memorial Stone in Saltford church: "here under, lyeth the body of Thomas Goodhind of this parish, who died 25th January.1757" aged 73; will proved Wells 1757. Married 1707 Mary Whipping, spinster of Newton St Loe (Mrs Mary buried 1758). Thomas had 6 children:

a) THOMAS G - buried Newton St Loe 1714.
b) WILLIAM G - bapt 1719; the Mr William Goodhind who witnessed marriages at Saltford 1754, 1760, 1764, 1769 and 1773 and the Mr William Goodhind, bachelor from Gloucs, as eldest son left £10 annuity by father 1757, buried Saltford 1794.
c) JOHN G - bapt 1722; in 1757 executor of father's will under which inherited all his lands in Saltford; Mr John buried 1791.
d) ANN G - bapt 1715; married John Dory contrary to father's wishes and had the following children bapt at Keynsham: Ann Dory 1741 (buried Newton St Loe 1741), Mary Dory 1742, Betty Dory 1744 and Thomas Dory 1747. In 1748-9 her father brought a suit v John Dory claiming that after Hannah's marriage her sister Ann and John Dory persistently importuned him to settle £100 on them, threatening to desert their numerous children and leave them in Thomas' care if he refused. Thomas replied he was unable to do this because he had other children still unprovided for. John Dory eventually met Thomas at a public house in Keynsham and after persuading a set of people to drink strong liquor with them managed to render Thomas sufficiently drunk to sign a paper promising him £100 on demand (C21 835/20).
e) HANNAH G - bapt 1717; received £100 settlement on marriage to Samuel Broad, husbandman of Twerton, at Queen Charlton 1742; mother of William Broad 1750 and Samuel Broad 1757-1804 both bapt Bath Abbey.
f) BETTY G - bapt 1724; married William Snailom of Saltford 1747 at Bath Abbey (Marriage Licence). Mother of Mary Snailom 1748, John Snailom 1749 both bapt Saltford and Samuel Snailom buried Saltford 1767.

5. JOHN G (son of John G - see 4 above) - bapt Whitchurch 1614; buried Whitchurch 1677; referred to as John son of John of Whitchurch 1632 (C2 F2/70); father's executor and residual legatee 1660; yeoman of Whitchurch in 1661 subsidy; will proved Wells 1677; married firstly Sarah buried Whitchurch 1646; secondly Mary buried Whitchurch 1657; thirdly Judith, referred to as widow in manorial records 1681-2, buried Whitchurch 1701, will proved Wells 1702. John was father of 7 children:

a) John G - see 6 below.
b) MARY G - left £50, best featherbed, pair best pillows, best coverlet, best linen table cloth and 6 best table napkins by grandfather 1660; married Thomas Friday at Whitchurch 1668.
c) JOHN G - buried Whitchurch 1649.
d) JOHN G - bapt Whitchurch 1651; buried Whitchurch 1652.
e) JUDITH G - bapt Whitchurch 1653; buried Whitchurch 1694 "in the chancel"; chancery plaintiff with brother John and Thomas Jones, cutler of Bristol, and his wife Sarah 1690 v Walter Holbyn, cordwinder of Whitchurch, regarding £200 loaned on security of property in Keynsham (C10 499/135); will proved Wells 1695.
f) SARAH G - bapt Whitchurch 1656; perhaps the above Sarah wife of Thomas Jones of Bristol.
g) ELIZABETH G - bapt Whitchurch 1658.

6. JOHN G (son of John G - see 5 above) - bapt Whitchurch 1661; buried Whitchurch 1737; will proved Wells 1737. Bought houses and lands in Saltford from William and Thomas Tunstall for £1010 1698, from Robert and Ann Bayley for £300 1702, from William Richmond for £78 1722 (Somerset RO: DD/SOG/913). Chancery plaintiff as gentleman of Whitchurch 1690 (see Judith) and 1723, regarding £450 loan to a yeoman of Chewstoke; married by 1699 Mary daughter of Charles Buckland of Gournays Court, West Harptree - "Mrs. Mary Goodhind ye wife of ye late Mr John Goodhind" buried Whitchurch 1743. Mary was a great great great great granddaughter of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector of England during part of the reign of his nephew Edward VI. John and Mary had 6 children:

a) Richard G - see 7 below.
b) John G - see 7 below.
c) MARY G - bapt Whitchurch 1701.
d) THOMAS G - bapt Whitchurch 1702; buried Whitchurch 1709.
e) JUDITH G - bapt Whitchurch 1706; died 19.1.1787 aged 80; buried Chewstoke (M.I.); married John Lukins, gentleman of Chewstoke died 7.2.1767 aged 69 (M.I.).
f) THOMAS G - bapt Whitchurch 1710; buried Whitchurch 1748; will proved Wells 1749.

7. RICHARD G (son of John G - see 6 above) - bapt Whitchurch 1704; buried Whitchurch 1754; will dated 3.1.1752-3 proved Wells 15.8.1754 as gentleman of Whitchurch (copy in Somerset RO): weak in body but sound disposing mind, memory and understanding; whereas lately purchased from heirs of Sir John Smith Bart deceased fee simple of 3 estates called Home Living, Sharps Tenement and Crofts Tenement otherwise late Whippies in Whitchurch now mortgaged to Mr Rigg, sugar baker of Bristol, for securing repayment of £1000 and interest, and whereas the first two have been settled on wife Mary for her life according to agreement before marriage, I give Whippies to John Lukins, gentleman of Chewstoke and John Whippie, gentleman of Whitchurch during Mary's life on trust to let it out and from rents and profits pay the £1000 as it shall become due, and pay rent after deduction of repairs, tax and other outgoings to wife, and after her death demise them and my other estates on child or children left behind me, if no issue third to brother John Goodhind and sister Judith, wife of said John Lukins, and other third at disposal of wife; of stock and implements of husbandry, goods, chattels and personal estate (after debts and funeral expenses paid) half to wife, half to daughter Ann, daughter's half paid to John Lukins and John Whippie on trust putting money arising out at interest for her benefit till 21 or marriage, towards her education and breeding; wife, daughter, John Lukins and John Whippie executors; John Lukins and John Whippie guardians of daughter's estate during minority; signed X; witnesses James Whippie and Richard Parker; proved by Mary Goodhind, John Lukins and John Whippie. His wife Mary (will proved Wells 1790) was presumably born a Whippie. Richard had one daughter:

a) ANN G - born 1749; died 1762. A marble monument in Whitchurch church bears this inscription: "Near this place lies the body of Richard Goodhind, gentleman, whose ancestors for many generations resided in this parish. He departed this life the 2nd day of May 1754, aged 49. Also the body of Ann, his only daughter and heiress: she departed the 7th day of February 1762 in the 13th year of her age. To perpetuate the memory of an affectionate husband and dutiful daughter, Mary Goodhind caused this monument to be erected". Arms: Gules, a fesse between 3 fleur de lis or (for Goodhind), impaling argent 3 greyhounds currant sable; on an escutcheon gules 3 bezants in pale. Collinson identifies the second coat as that of Whippie.

7. JOHN G (son of John G - see 6 above) - bapt Whitchurch 1700; buried Whitchurch 1773 as "Mr John Goodhind of Saltford"; on death of niece Ann in 1762 succeeded to father's lands in Saltford assigned in trust for brothers Thomas and Richard and their heirs; same year mortgaged lands for £1000 to Mary Fox and by will devised them in trust to Joseph Brodribb and William Harle junior for son John (Somerset RO: DD/SOG/913). By 1727 married Anne (will proved Wells 1779). John and Anne had three children:

a) John G - see 8 below.
b) Thomas G - see 8 below.
c) ELIZABETH G - bapt 1727; as spinster married 1780 William Bartlett, widower, a Bristol distiller and wine and brandy merchant c1736-1804 as his third wife; when Elizabeth Bartlett 1790 the one life remaining on brother Thomas' property in Publow; dead by 1800 when Edward married fourthly (Bristol and Avon Family History Society Journal 18 pages 7-10).

8. JOHN G (son of John G - see 7 above) - born 1729; buried 1803 as gentleman; will proved Wells 1804; paid off £1000 mortgage on father's lands in Saltford by 1773; married at East Harptree 1755 Susannah Butcher of East Harptree c1733-1821 buried Saltford aged 87; parties to marriage settlement (Somerset RO, Society of Genealogists MS) were himself as John of Saltford; his parents John and Ann Goodhind; Charles and William Butcher, gentlemen of Coley in East Harptree; Joseph Brodribb of 'Haldowbrow' in High Littleton. In Saltford John owned Avon Cottages, 5 messuages called Tunstalls or Dunstones, later Holbrook's Cottages, 2 houses (Willcox's), Henlease (8 acres), Fish Pool, Snell's Acre, Little Mead (2 acres), Butterell (4 acres), 2 acres by Arm Lane. On 7.3.1802 conveyed Tunstalls to wife with reversion to 3 daughters Mary Goodhind, Elizabeth Hill and Susannah Dyer. Also father of 2 sons who died young:

a) BETTY G - born 1757; buried 1832 aged 74 as Elizabeth Hill; married 1783 James Hill died c1820 farmer, dealer and chapman, son of Richmond Hill, yeoman (witnesses Charles Butcher and John Goodhind); mother of Elizabeth Hill born 1785 died 1787, William Clement Hill born 1787 died 1865 and Susannah Hill born 1784, the last two were legatees of their aunt Susannah Dyer 1833.
b) JOHN G - buried 1758.
c) MARY G - bapt 1756; named as Mary Goodhind in deeds of 1800 and 1802; later married Samuel Beacham; as Mary Beacham aged 85 in 1841 Saltford census.
d) JOHN G - born 1761; died 1767.
e) SUSANNAH G - born 1764; died 15.9.1833 (M.I.); married 1780 Ambrose Patient Dyer, yeoman of Saltford (died 9.1.1832 aged 75 M.I.). Her will dated 19.7.1833 proved PCC 16.12.1833 as widow of Saltford - all lands in trust to executor James Woolley, yeoman of Corston, to sell and with proceeds pay debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and legacies: Jeremiah Deveril, his wife Bitha and 3 children Mary, George and Susanna Deveril £19 19s each; William Laventon £5; Richard and John Maggs £3 each; sister Mary 'Beaucham' black satin cloak and mourning ring; Susanna Humphries silver handled knife and forks; Susannah Hill younger looking glass with drawers in it; Bitha Deveril 2 silver spoons marked AD; Mary Deveril clock in kitchen; George Deveril best bed and furniture; Susanna Hutson bureau and looking glass in little parlour; William Maggs clock marked Bilby standing on stair case; Mary Brown silver cream jug, 2 small spoons; nephew William Clement Hill silver tankard and half residue; niece Susanna Humphries other half residue; witnesses William Banks, clerk to Messrs Cruttwell and Son solicitors; Thomas Hancock, tailor of Saltford; William Bryant, Naishes Cross.

8. THOMAS G (son of John G - see 7 above) - bapt Saltford 12.11.1730, bapt Chelwood Protestant Meeting House 26.11.1730, buried 1784 Publow; witnessed brother's marriage at East Harptree 1755; tanner of Publow 1757 when married by licence at Chewstoke Mary Brean spinster, descended from the Breans of Wrington, bapt Chewstoke 1735, buried Publow 1784. Mary inherited £55 from father Samuel Brean, gentleman of Chewstoke (will proved Wells 1767), £120 with sister by conveyance of land from parents to brother John 19.6.1758, and 5 guineas from brother John 1777, who also left a guinea to each of her children. Thomas held an acre of ground with a farmhouse in Publow leased by father 1760 for lives of Thomas, his sister Elizabeth and wife Mary aged 28, sold by daughter Ann 1790. Lived at Queen Charlton 1771-74, Keynsham 1776 and later Stanton Drew. Thomas had 13 children:

a) John G - see 9 below.
b) Richard G - see 9 below.
c) JOHN HAZLE G - bapt Publow 1757; buried Publow 1758.
d) ANN G - bapt Publow 1758; of Publow 1782 when married Edward Bageridge, tailor, bachelor of Keynsham at Keynsham; administratrix of father 1790 when sold his property in Publow to George Bush of Keynsham (Somerset RO DD/SOG sale 895 receipt 894); had many children bapt Keynsham 1783-95 but most if not all died in infancy or childhood.
e) JOHN G - bapt and buried Publow 1760.
f) ELIZABETH G - bapt and buried Publow 1763.
g) MARY G - bapt Publow 1764; spinster of Keynsham 1790 when received £5 share from sale of father's farmhouse; presumably Mary who married James Winsor at Keynsham 1802.
h) ELIZABETH HAZELL G - bapt Publow 1765 as Elizabeth; buried Chelwood 1810; married at Compton Dando 1787 John Heath 1757-1816 shoemaker of Chelwood; mother of Mary Heath 1789, Isaac Heath 1791-1838, Lydia Heath 1792, Arthur Heath 1796-1854, Thomas Goodwin Heath 1798-98, Thomas Heath 1799-1800, Thomas Heath 1801-03, Thomas Heath 1803 and Elizabeth Heath died 1806.
i) SARAH G - bapt Publow 1766; buried Publow 1781.
j) JOHN G - buried Publow 1768.
k) THOMAS G - bapt Publow 1771; as son of Thomas, tanner, late of Stanton Drew, apprenticed to Samuel B., cabinet maker of Bristol, and Ann his wife 1786.
l) EDITH G - bapt Publow 1772.
m) JOHN G - bapt Publow 1774; presumably died in infancy.

9. JOHN G (son of Thomas G - see 8 above) - born 13.4.1776, privately bapt 14.4.1776, bapt Keynsham 13.5.1776 according to Keynsham registers; but bapt 13.3.1776 in Publow registers; buried Saltford 1833 aged 57. Probably husband of Elizabeth c1770-1843 whose gravestone in Walcot burial ground reads: "Mrs Elizabeth Goodhind wife of Mr John Goodhind, died 9 June 1843 aged 73; also of John Goodhind son of the above, died 17 November 1845 aged 32; also Sarah Goodhind died 10 March 1858 aged 43". John and Elizabeth had three children:

a) JOHN G - born c1813, died 1845; presumably John 'Goodhand' running school in St Annes Place, Bath 1842.
b) SARAH G - born c1815, died 1858; schoolmistress died 49 New Street, Bath.
c) ELIZABETH G - married Samuel Gardiner, greengrocer of Walcot; mentioned in sister Sarah's will 1858.

9. RICHARD G (son of Thomas G - see 8 above) - bapt Publow 1759, buried Saltford 1812; butcher of Saltford when received £5 share of father's estate 1790. In 1791 leased from brother in law James Hill for 7 years starting 25.3.1791 house with stable, garden, orchard (1 acre 23 perches) with 4 closes of meadow in Saltford called the Little Home Ground (3 acres), Coombes, late Browning's (2 acres), Hill's Close (1 acres) and Woods Ground (2 acres) with all ways, waters, water courses, easements and commons, maintaining hedges, fences and ditches and paying tithes, James Hill, his servants, labourers and workmen having free liberty of ingress and egress with or without horses, carts and carriages at all seasonal times through the gateways to fell, hew, cut down, prune, shred, lop and top all timber trees, woods and underwood and carry them away doing no wilful hurt thereby to the grass and herbage (Somerset RO DD/SOG/915). Married 1781 Sarah (buried 1811) daughter of Richmond Hill, yeoman, and great great great granddaughter of William Bayley, yeoman of Saltford, defendant in chancery suit with John Goodhind (John 5 in pedigree 1) 1634, also directly descended from John Horsington, patron of Saltford church 1533. Richard and Sarah had 7 children:

a) Betty Hill G - see 10 below.
b) JOHN G - born 1782, died 1850; tailor of Walcot, Bath; by 1850 toll collector of Pucklechurch, Gloucestershire; will dated 9.11.1850 proved PCC 18.12.1850 (signed X) left wife Elizabeth £40, interest in Savings Bank at Bath and residue: witnesses Edmund and Rebecca Smart of Pucklechurch. His widow was presumably Elizabeth Goodhind, toll collector, New Road, Box 1870-71; died Chippenham registration district 1876 aged 73.
c) THOMAS G - born and died 1786.
d) MARY DYER G - bapt 1788; as Mary daughter of Richard Goodhind a residual legatee of John Baker of Newton St Loe 1805; probably Mary who married James Baker at St Michael, Bath 1807.
e) RICHARD G - bapt 1791 Keynsham, died 1877 Bath; baker in Bath; married Mary Fowler 1812 at St Michael, Bath.
f) THOMAS G - born 1796; probably Thomas died St Pancras, London 1873 aged 77.
g) ANN G - born 1799.

10. BETTY HILL G (daughter of Richard G - see 9 above) - bapt 1784 as Elizabeth Gooding; in early 20s apparently lived with great aunt Phoebe Clement nee Gibbs of Chewton Keynsham; her executor and residual legatee 1806; married James Goulstone c1786-1834 farmer of Saltford. In 1837 owned house adjoining turnpike road occupied by Henry Power and lived in a cottage on the main road at the corner of the lane leading down to the river Avon, with small garden in front and piggery and rick yard at the rear. Then farmed 20 acres but by 1851 60 acres when living in house at end of village street. Moved to Keynsham with daughter Sarah in 1850s, by 1861 living in Bristol where died at 6 Cane Street 25.1.1866; buried Saltford churchyard - probably the last of the Goodhinds to be buried there. Had 6 children by husband James Goulstone: John Goulstone 1809-91, Eliza Goulstone 1813-91?, Sarah Hill Goulstone 1812-88, Elizabeth Philippa Goulstone 1815-1902, Thomas Goulstone 1818-1900, and Richard Goodhind Goulstone 1821-67. Betty Hill also had two sons before her marriage:

a) James G - see 11 below.
b) Charles Hill G - see 11 below.

11. JAMES G (son of Betty Hill G - see 10 above) - bapt Keynsham 1805, died 1825; M.I. on mother's gravestone in Saltford churchyard: "To the memory of JAMES GOODHIND who died Dec 15 1825 aged 20 years"; another stone bears the epitaph: "J.G. 1825 Death in my prime called me betime/and eased me of my pain./Prepare to die and with me lie/Till Christ us rise again."

11. CHARLES HILL G (son of Betty Hill G - see 10 above) - born 1807 Walcot, Bath, bapt 1807 Saltford as Charles Goodhind; farm labourer at Bathford 1851; inherited £50 from mother 1866; died Chippenham registration district 1869 aged 62; married Elizabeth (born c1813) laundress aged 37 in 1851. Possibly grandfather of George Goodhind (born Chiswick, Middlesex, c1857), boarder at Bathford Cottage 1861, employed on uncle? Thomas Goulstone's farm at Box 1871. Charles had 6 children:

a) John G - see 12 below.
b) ANN G - born Bathford c1835.
c) ELIZABETH G - born Bathford c1842.
d) RICHARD G - born Bathford c1847; farm labourer at Bathford 1861.
e) THOMAS G - born Bathford c1850; farm labourer at Bathford 1861.
f) LOUISA G - born Bathford c1853; scholar aged 8 in 1861 census.

12. JOHN G (son of Charles Hill G - see 11 above) - born Bathford c1845; farm labourer at Bathford 1861, mason's labourer 1871, general labourer aged 36 1881; living in Devizes Road, Bathford 1871-81; John of Bishops Sutton died 1.2.1924 aged 79 (M.I. Bathford). Married Eliza, born Kingsdown, Box c1843, died 29.12.1907 aged 64 (M.I. Bathford). Had 9 children:

a) JANE G - born Kingsdown, Box c1866; in 1871 census.
b) LOUISA G - born Bathford c1868; in 1871 census.
c) FRANCIS C G - born Bathford c1870; stable boy aged 11 in 1881 census.
d) RICHARD G - born Bathford c1872.
e) JOHN G - born Bathford c1874.
f) THOMAS G - born Bathford c1876.
g) HANNAH M G - born Bathford c1878.
h) ALFRED G - born Bathford c1880.
i) HENRY G - youngest son died 5.11.1900 aged 19 (M.I. Bathford).

The Goodhinds of Marksbury and Keynsham.

THOMAS G married at Marksbury 1714 Elizabeth Willis (buried Marksbury 1754 as Betty wife of Thomas "Gooding"). They were parents of 8 children baptised at Marksbury:

a) 0 MARTHA G - bapt 1714, bur Marksbury 1714.
b) WILLIAM G - bapt 1715, bur Marksbury 1728.
c) JOHN G - bapt 1717.
d) HANNAH G - bapt 1719.
e) ELIZABETH G - bapt 1721.
f) THOMAS G - bapt 1727.
g) MARY G - bapt 1730, as Mary "Gooding" married Janny Flower 1752 at Farmborough.
h) WILLIAM G - bapt 1732, as William "Gooding" married Betty Cox of Chew Magna at Marksbury 1756.

WILLIAM G buried at Keynsham 1741 as Goodhinde; as Goodin married at Keynsham 1713 Ann Jones (buried Keynsham 1759). They were parents of the following:

a) son of William "Gooding" bur Keynsham 1736.
b) WILLIAM G - apprenticed to Thos .... of Bristol 1740 as son of William Goodhind of Keynsham; presumably husband of Mary, and father of the child of William and Mary Goodhind bur Keynsham 1751.

Inquisitions Post Mortem.

John Goodhynde Senior, 14 Charles I.Somerset. Inquisition taken at Brewton in the said county on 21st March of the 14th year of the reign of Charles King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith etc. before Robert Hodder armiger the king's escheater for the said county to make enquiry after the death of John Goodhynde senior late of Saltford in the said county yeoman deceased by the oaths of John Cary gent. Maurice Hooper John Mabie Henry Wyne John Walter junior Richard Lye John Cary John Hodges John Allen alias Cornyshe James Wookey John Buffyn {*1} Richard Tucke and William Miller Who say that the said John Goodhynde for a long time before his said death was seized in his demesne as of fee of and in one capital messuage or tenement in Saulford alias Salford alias Saltford in the said county of Somerset and 80 acres of land meadow and pasture more or less belonging to the same capital messuage or tenement And of and in 4 messuages or tenements in Saulford aforesaid so far in the separate tenures or occupations of John Fussell Joan {*2} his wife William Goodhynde junior Edward Auste and Agnes Gyles widow And of and in one annual rent of 8s. 4d. arising from one messuage or tenement with appurtenances now or lately in the possession of John Brayne junior or his assigns And of and in one messuage or tenement called Braynes held with appurtenances And of and in two tenements in ruins with appurtenances of which one is called Teytes tenement the other Fryes tenement And of and in rent and reversions of the said premises All which premises lying in Saulford alias Salford alias Saltford aforesaid. The same John Goodhynde being seized of these messuages etc. afterwards died at Salford aforesaid on 24th August of the 22nd year of the reign of James late King of England And the jurors say that the said messuages etc. are held and at the time of death of the said John Goodhynde were held of William Earl of Salisbury as of his honour of Gloucester by knight's service but by what part of a knight's fee the jurors do not know And are worth in all profits beyond deductions £4 p.a. And that John Goodhynde junior is the son and next heir of the said John Goodhynde senior deceased and was of the age of 30 years and more at the time of death of his said father And that the said John Goodhynde senior deceased at the time of his death had or held no other messuages etc. of the king or any other(s) in demesne use possession reversion or remainder (in) the said county of Somerset or elsewhere to their knowledge. (names of jurors above) Robert Powell subscheate
Translated from Latin. {*1} possibility of abbreviations mark over this name, which could make it Bufferyn, but no lengthening of name occurs at bottom of document. {*2} usually Joan; could be Jane.

Wills Proved in the P.C.C.

John Goodhind 1572. I John Goodhind of Sawford in the county of Somerset being sick in body and perfect of memory make this my last will and testament in manner and form following First I bequeath my soule to almighty god and my body to be buried in the parish church of Sawford I do give and bequeath to the cathedral church of Wells twelve pence. I do give to reparation of the parish church of Sawford twentie shillings. Item: I give and bequeath to William Goodhind my sonne all my lands, tenements, woodds, meadows and pasture which I have in fee or of right ought to have in fee, and to the heirs of his bodie lawfullie begotten for evermore. Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Fisher six peeces of pewter and a cover. Item I give unto my daughter Ann Davysonne six pieces of Pewter, and one other cover. Item I give and bqueath unto William Gibonnes my daughter Johanne son all my tenements with th appurtenances belonging to the same called by the name of Braines tenement set and being within the parish of Sawford aforesaid for the tearme and life of the said William Gibbones And if it happen the said William Gibbones to marry and afterwards to decease before his wife my will is that his wife shall enjoye the said tenement with th appurtenances during the time she remaine widow, always reserving the rent unto my heirs, also my wish is that the profit of the same tenement with th appurtenances and shalbe and remain unto my executors until the same William Gibbones come to the full age of xxj years provided always that, if the same William Gibbones be obstinate or in refusing to be ordered by my executors that then it shall at the pleasure of my said executors whether he shall enjoy the said tenement in manner aforesaid. Item I give unto John Goodhind son unto my son William Goodhind syx sheep and three oxen. Item I give unto William Goodhind, Richard Goodhind, Robert Goodhind and George Goodhind my said sons children to every of them tenn sheepe. I give to Johanne Goodhind my sons daughter two platters. I give to the three daughters of Thomas Fisher two platters to each of them. I give to Henrie Davies' daughter two platters. I give to every of my godchildren one sheepe. I give to Johanne Boysonne a flockbed a boulster a coverlet and a pair of blankets. I give to every of my brother Thomas Goodhynde children one sheep. Item I give to every of my sister Paramour's children one sheep. I give to William Relie my sister's son haulfe a quarter of wheat. I give to every of my household servants as well men hynde as women xijd. And where there is a tenement called Richard's tenement purchased by me to Robert Goodhinde and to Richard his brother or the longest lyver of them, my will is that the said tenement be put forth after my decease unto the most advantage of the said Robert until he come to lawfull aige. And if it happen that Robert do die before he come to lawfull age The my will is that the profitts of the said tenements shall remain unto Richard his brother. I give to Thomas Fisher my son in law the lease wch I have of the deane and chapitre of bristow for the psonage and rectorie of Bathampton wt all the interest and righte I have therein in, excluding my executors for any interest or right therein. I give to Elizabeth Stiridge one flock bed a boulster a coverlet and a pair of blanketts. I give to everye poore house holden in the parish of Sawford one bushell of wheat to be delivered at the discretion of my executors. The rest of my goods unbequeathed I give to Johanne Goodhinde my wife, and William Goodhinde my sonne whom I make my executors of this my last will and testament refusing all other will or testament heretofore made. And have appointed my welbeloved in christe William Plaier of Keynsham and my brother John Fisher to be overseers of this my last will and testament to be prformed, and I do give to everye of them for their paynes xs. In witness whereof I put hereunto my hand the xth daie of Februarie in the year of our Lorde 1571 witnessed William Tucke, John Fisher and Thomas Fisher.

William Goodhind 1583. The fortenthe daie of March Anno Domini 1582 That I William Goodhind senior of Salford in the Diocese of Bath and Wells being sick in bodye but of good and perfect memorie (praise be to god) Do ordayne my last will and testament in manner and form following, That is to saie, I commit my soul to almighty god my maker throughe Jesus Christ my redemer and my bodye to be buried in the parish church of Salford. Imprimis I give unto the Cathedral Church of Wells twelve pence: Item I give unto the mayntenance of the parish Church of Salford three shillings four pence. Item I give unto the poor people of Salford five shillings eight pence. Item I give unto all my godchildren twelve pence a peece. Item I give unto John Kyte my servant Twelve pence. Item I give to my two maide servants Twelve pence a piece. Item I give unto Nicholas Blink Twentie shillings. Item I give unto Elizabeth Blincs Twentie shillings. Item I give to Anne Blincs twenty shillings. Item I give unto Margarett Blincs Twenty shillings Item I give to Anne Blincs twenty shillings. Item I give unto Margarett Blincs twenty shillings. Item I give unto Clare Blincs twenty shillings. Item I give unto those maid children a platter a peece; All which monney and platters to be delivered unto them at their marriage. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Joan Goodhynd Tenne pounds of monney. Item I give unto Sara Goodhynd Tenne pounds to be paid at their marriage. And if they live not to be married , then the said monney shall remayne to my executors. Item I give to George Goodhynd my son five pounds to be paid within three years after my decease. Item I give unto Alice Goodhynd my wife the Mannor House of Salford with th appurtenances during her natural life (if she keep herself a widdow and so in life) or else not) and the Rent of the said Mannor which is yearlie Three pounds tenne shillings I give unto William my Sonne during the lyfe of my said wife and widowehead, Soe that he use himself well, or else not, but the same monneye to remayne in my wifes hand and to be paide at her discression yearly at two equal feasts in the yeare. Item I will again unto George Goodhynd and John Goodhynde my Sonnes for and during the lyfe of my said Sonne George and after the decease of my said wife or breache of widdowhood all my said Mannor with th appurtenances paying unto the said John my sonne the moytye of the Rent due from my said son George for his porcion, And after the decease of the said George Goodhynd I give unto my sonne William Goodhynde an estate for terme of his life of and in the same Mannor House with th appurtenances paying likewise the whole yeares rent unto my heires. Item I give unto my sonne John Goodhynd all the said Mannor house with th appurtenances after the natural lyves of my said wife and sonnes George and William, and not until then, but shall quietlie permitt and suffer overie of them and the longest lyver of them to enjoy the same in such manner and fourme as so before given and according to my true meaning, and therefore ever afterwards to remayne to the saide John Goodhind one Rowles parcell of ground known and called by the name of Fryes containing by estimation ten acres, be it more or less. Item I give unto Alice my wife during her life the yearly rent of Taytes which John Holbyne holdeth. And also the yearly rent of the tenement wherein Sherreif dwelleth with all casulaties happening uppon the same, And also the rent of a certain garden grounde lying in and adjoyning to Richard Giles Tenement, And after the decease of my said wife to remayne unto John Goodhynd my sonne and his heires for ever. All the rest of my goods whatsoever with my debts (not being given and bequeathed) I give and bequeath unto Alyce my wife and John Goodhynd my sone whome I make my full and whole executors: Also I will and request John Fisher and Thomas Fisher to be my Overseers to see this my last will and testament fulfilled and performed according to my true meaning in the same. And for their paines and token of good will I give to either of them three shillings four pence. By me William Goodhynd. Witness hereunto John Trustram clerk John Fisher, Thomas Fisher with others.

Alice Goodhind 1615. The seaventh day of October in the year of our Lord God 1614 Alice Goodhind of Saltford in the county of Somerset widow being sick of body but of good and perfect memory thankes be unto Allmighty God Do make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz. first I commend my soul into the hands of Allmighty God my maker and to his son Jesus Christ my Redeemer and Saviour by whose precious death I trust assuredly to be saved and to have remission and forgiveness of all my sinnes And my body do commit unto the earth wherere it came to be buried in the parish church of Saltford aforesaid, In promis I give unto the said church toward reparation thereof six shillings. Item I give to St Andrews church of Wells 4d. Item I give unto the poor of Saltford aforesaid namely unto Richard Brookman one bushell of barley. Item I give unto William Curnocke one other bushel of barley. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Johane Jones my best gown and peticoat one cloak one hatt lined with velvett one fustian wastcoate and four silver spoons. Item I give unto John Sturridge two ewes and a great coffer now standing in the chamber where I was wont to lye and Thirtie shillings in money to be paid unto him by my executors within two months of my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto Sapience Sturridge one featherbed one feather bolster one pair of sheets one pair of blanketts one canvas coverled one bedstead one pillowboard one Towell and two ewes. Item I do also further give to four of my daughter Johane Jones her children viii£ equally to be divided amongst them, viz. to Anne Sturridge xls to William Sturridge xls to Henry Sturridge xls and to James Sturridge xls wch some of eight pounds of lawful money of England is due to mee from my son John Goodhind the 26th day of March next ensuing the date hereof in pte of payment of xx pounds then due to me and doe appoint my said son to keepe her said legacies in his hands and to put it to some concianable use for the said children until they shall be of the age of xxj years and if any one of them shall happen to die before he or she come to her age of xxj years then my will is that his or her porcion shall be equally divided amongst the other of them that shall live till the said age and so to remayne to the longest liver of them. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Chambery four silver spoons three platters three pottingers one little trunke now standing in the parlor where I now lie, one gowne clour greene a red petticoat and a red waistcoate. Item I give unto my daughter in law Sapient Goodhind one silver goblett one canvas boardcloth and half a dozen of white cutworke napkins. Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Goodhind's children, viz. to John Goodhind one sheep to William Goodhind one sheep to Edward Goodhind three sheep and xxxs in money to be paid him by my Executor within five months after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to Anne Goodhind one sheep one pillow beere one featherbed and bolster being in the parlour wherein I now lie and one pewter dish. Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah Goodhind two sheep one great panne two crocks one a great one the other a little one, the best feather bed in the p'ler one pair of new blankets the best coverled one feather pillow and the case to them, one best candlestick one braslett two pillowbeares one towell two pewter platters, two pottingers and one holland boardcloth which shall remayn in the custody of Sarah Chamberry until the said Sarah Goodhind chance to be married. Item I give unto Elizabeth Goodhind one sheepe two pewter dishes and one handkercher of holland. Item I give and bequeath unto Elinor Goodhind one sheep two pewter dishes and one handkercher of holland. Item I give and bequeath unto Abednego Goodhind sonne unto John Goodhind two sheepe. Item I give unto Misaacke Goodhind other two sheepe. Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah Sanders and Margarett Saunders daughters to Alice Rawlins of Keynsham one sheep a peece to be delivered unto her presently after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto Alice Blincomb one flockbed and bolster lying under the feather bed in the grate bed in the zoler one pair of canvas sheets one coverlet of tapestrie worke one sheep one holland sheet and one pillow beere of holland. Item I give unto Sarah Chambery the daughter of James Chambery one featherbed and bolster being in the chamber where I now lie and two sheep. Item all the rest of my lynnen not heere given or bequeathed and all my corne not before given (except fower loads lyinge whout in my sonne John Goodhind's mowe the which my will is that it remayn unto him my executor toward the performance of my funerall rites. I do now give and bequeath unto my daughters Joan Jones and Sarah Chambery to be equally divided between them. Item I give unto James Chambery son unto James Chamberie two sheepe more. Item I give unto William Chamberye two sheep. Item I give unto John Sturridge the son of John Sturridge one sheep now in the possession of my Executor. Item I give unto my daughter Joan Jones my best hogge unto Sarah Chamberie my other daughter the next best and unto Sarah Goodhind the younge ilter All the rest of my goods and chattels moveable and immovable whatsoever not given nor herein bequeathed I give and bequeath unto John Goodhind my son whom I make and constitute my sole and whole Executor both to see my debts and legacies performed and delivered as also my funerall expenses discharged And for the better and sure performance of this my last will and testament in every respect as aforesaid I doe ordaine and appoint for my overseers my wellbeloved brother William Byde of Kainsham and my son in law James Chamberie of Hampton and for their paynes taking I give them 3s 4d a peece. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year first about written in the presence of them whose names are underscribed Alice Goodhind her marke. Signed and sealed in the pr'ce of Robertus Addridge clerk William Byde.

John Goodhind 1651. Memorandum that John Goodhinde of Fillton alias Whitechurch in the county of Somerset yeoman about the five and twentieth day December 1649 did declare his last will and testament nuncupative in manner and forme following. Imprimis I bequeath my soule into the hands of almighty god. And as for my body I desire to have it decently buried in the parish church of Salford in the county aforesaid. And as for my goods and chattells I give and bequeath all the same goods and chattells to Joane Goodhinde my youngest daughter whom I do nominate and appointe to be sole executrix of this my last will and testament nuncupative in the presence of George Harper alias Hicks and others.

William Goodhind 1653. In the name of God Amen the tenth day of January in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hunderd and fifty two I William Goodhind of Saltford in the county of Somersett yeoman being (god bee thanked) of good and perfect memory - I doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and {for}] following. First I bequeath my soule to God my Creator hoping to be saved onely by the .... death and resurrection of my Lord and saviour Christ Jesus. And my body to the earth. Item I doe give to Richard Edwards five shillings. Item I give to Elizabeth Brookman one shilling. Item I doe give to my grand child William Goodhind of Salisbury in the County of Wiltshire my best mow stavell my whitch in the barne and a tubb there my stone to wett barley in the barn and one cofer. Item I give to my grandchild William Goodhind of Sodbury in the county of Gloucs my fowling peece and my chest where my writeings doeth lye. Item I give to my grandchild Mary Goodhind of Sodbury aforesaid one platter and candlestick. Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Dowleing one payre of canvas sheets. And unto eache of children twelve pence. Item I give unto my daughter Wellthing Tunstalle twelve pence. And to each of her children twelve pence. Item I give to my sonne Thomas Goodhind the bedstead that I doth usually lye on and the bedd thereon And the chest in the entry chamber. Item I give to my grandchild Mary Goodhind of Saltford aforesaid my greate chest my bedd in the parlor with the bloster and bedclothes thereunto belonging. Item I give to my grandchild Elizabeth Goodhind of Saltford aforesaid my best crock. Item I give to my grandchild John Goodhind of Saltford one Bill obligatory of tenn pounds due from my sonne Robert Goodhind deceased payable of certayne landes lieing in Saltford aforesaid wth lands I formerly past to him my sayd sonne Robert and his heires upon consideration of the payment of one hundred pounds wch said bill obligatory is payable unto my daughter Edith Goodhind deceased and by her past to mee in consideration of a marriage porcon wch I gave her in hand payd. Item I give to my grandchildren Richard and Misaacke Goodhind twelve pence a peece. Item I give to my grandchild Mary Dowling one pewter candlestick. The rest of my goods and chattels (my debts being payd and my funerall expenses discharged) I give and bequeath unto my loveing sonne in law Misaack Goodhind whome I doe make and ordain the full and whole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand. Seald the day and place first above written. The marke of William Goodhind. Winesses to this will Thomas Goodhind. The marke of Richard Edwards. (proved by Misaack Goodhind 27 Sept 1653)

John Goodhind 1660. John Goodhind the elder of Whitchurch in the county of Somersett yeoman in good health of body and of sound memory doe hereby make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) First I bequeath my soule into the hands of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ by whose death and passion in and through a lively faith in him and his meritorious satisfaction I hope to be saved and to be made partaker of an inheritance with the Saints in light. And my body I committ to the Earth from whence it was taken to be interred in such place and in such desent Christian buriall as my executors herein named shall think fitt. As for my wordly goods and substance whereof God hath made mee steward I leave them and dispose as followeth. First I give to the poor people of Whitchurch aforesaid twenty shillings to be paid within one yeare next after my decease to such indigent and deserving poore people there as my executors shall think fitt. Alsoe I give to my grandchild Mary Goodhinde (my sonne John's daughter) the sum of fifty pounds of current money. Alsoe I give unto her my best ffeatherbedde A paire of my best pillowes my best coverlett my best lynnen tablecloth. And six of my best table napkins. Alsoe I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Fflower wife of Lamerock Fflower the sume of twenty pounds of current money to be paid unto her within one yeare next after my decease. Alsoe I give unto my grandchilde Ann Fflower daughter of the said Lamerock and Elizabeth thirty pounds of like money to be paid unto her when shee shalbe enabled to give my executors a lawfull discharge and acquitall for and concerning the same. Alsoe I give unto her the said Ann Fflower my second best bedd a paire of blanketts a coverlett a paire of sheets a boulster two pillares a table cloth and six table napkins. All of my second best sort. Alsoe I give to my sonne Thomas Goodhind three shillings and four pence. Alsoe I give to his son Thomas ffive pounds of current money. Whereas I am possessed to mee my executos and assigns ofand in a tenement in Saltford for diverse yeares yet to come by virtue of two chattell leases thereof (if the lives and estates therein named shall soe long live) I give the same tenement and the leases thereof and all my estate and terme therein unto my sonne John Goodhind But my will is and I doe hereby give out of the yearly proffitts and income thereof unto my said daughter Elizabeth Fflower for and dureing the terme of her naturall life (if the estates and lives nominated in the said chattells or any or either of them shall soe long live) one annuity or yearly sume of six pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto her halfe yearly by even portons The first payment thereof to begin and to be paid unto her att the inst full end of six moneths to be accompted from the day of my death And soe from tyme to tyme to be paid unto her by my said sonn John Goodhind his executors, administrators or assignes dureing her life (if the said estates and lives or any or either of them shall soe long live) As the same shall become due and payable as aforesaid without trouble delay or deniall of the said John Goodhind his executors or assignes. All the rest of my goods and chattels whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my said sonne John Goodhind whome I doe hereby constitute nominate and appoint full and sole executor of this my last will and testament not doubting of his ready and willing performance and payment of all and every legacy and thing herein and hereby committed to his care and duty as my executor. In witness whereof I have to each leafe of this my last will being two in number set my hand and to this last leafe have alsoe sett my seale the sixteenth day of January in the yeare of our Lorde (according to the computation now used in England) one thousand six hundred ffifty and nyne. 1659, Signed sealed and declared to be his last will the day and yeare aforesaid in the psence of Richard Whippy George Atwood.

George Goodhind 1819. (abstract). George Goodhind, gentleman of Lambridge in Walcot, 14th January 1817; to be buried with late dear wife and a tomb laid over the grave that our remains may not be disturbed. William Dean of Bathford, executor, £400 plus £4 for mourning, his wife Betty £400 plus £5 for mourning, his son John Goodhind Dean, other executor, £350 plus £5 for mourning, his daughters Elizabeth and Eleanor Dean each £300 plus £5 for mourning; sister Sarah Friend, widow of William Friend late of Kelston, £250 plus £5 for mourning. £260 in trust to executors for investing in government securities, Thomas son of William Friend receiving profits thereof for life, then received by his wife Mary for life, then the £260 equally divided among their surviving children. Thomas and Mary Friend £10 for mourning; nephew William Friend £100 plus £5 for mourning, his wife Mary £20 plus £5 for mourning; niece Mary wife of John Isles of Kelston £260, paid to her husband if she dies in my lifetime, and £5 each for mourning. £260 in trust to executors placed in government securities for niece Sarah wife of William Ollis of Saltford, receiving annual interest for life, then received by William for life, then invested for their children. William and Sarah Ollis £5 each for mourning. £350 in trust to executors, paying and applying any part for benefit of niece Hannah Friend, daughter of William and Sarah Friend. Hannah Friend £5 for mourning. Mr John Fidale of Farringdon £100, his wife £5 for a ring. Servant Martha Parker £20 if still with me at time of death and £4 for mourning. Apparel equally divided between Thomas Friend, John Isles, William Ollis. Residue of personal estate to sister Sarah Friend, nephew Thomas Friend, niece Mary Isles, nieces Sarah Ollis and Hannah Friend, nephew in law William Dean, niece Betty Dean his wife, John Goodhind Dean their son, Elizabeth and Eleanor Dean their daughters. If estate insufficient legacies to be adjusted in proportion. James Marshall, William Lovington, Samuel Park witnesses. CODICIL 22nd August 1819. An additional £70 to nephew William Friend, paying William and his wife £25 per annum quaterly till the whole paid out. William Ricketts, James Marshall witnesses.

Abstract of Mr Goodhind's title to Lands in Saltford' 1777

Extracts from Somerset RO reference DD/SOG/913:

22-23.6.1698 In consideration of £1050 paid them by John Goodhind, William Tunstall and Thomas Tunstall his only son and heir sold him:
- messuage and 78 acres land, meadow, pasture
- messuage and house where John Bleachly senior formerly dwelt
- 60? acres arable in common field
- 1 acre, 3 farandels meadow in Common Mead
- 30? acre close of pasture
- 4 acre close of pasture above Southern Gate
- 4 acre close of pasture called Piggsmore
- ground called Bottingslade on south side of Piggsmore
- yard of meadow called Kingsmeade adjoing Piggsmore
- all other messuages of William and Thomas Tunstall in Saltford, all houses and all waiver, estrain, royalties, liberties and franchise; except grant dated 10th April 1669 from William Tunstall of said messuage in possession of Bleachly to George Allen for 1000 years at the yearly rent of a peppercorn.

24/25.3.1702 For £300 Robert Bayly and Ann his wife sold to John Goodhind:
- house called Brownes with orchard and garden
- 2 pasture grounds called Shoots Lease, 10 acres
- meadow ground called How Leaze, 1 acre
- 3 acres in the Common Mead
- all houses, all the estate, all rents, the reversion and all deeds

Easter 1702 Fine between John Goodhind and John Hippisley plaintiffs and Robert Bayley and Ann his wife defendants for 3 messuages, 3 cottages, 2 barns, 1 stable, 6 gardens, 4 orchards, 70 acres land, 26 pasture, 23 meadow and common of pasture in Saltford, Dundry, Chew Magna and Bedminster

25.1.1722 In consideration of £78 paid him by John Goodhind, William Richmond enfeoffed, released and conveyed to him: 30? acre close of arable or pasture called Boydells and 1 acre close lying near Greenways Hook

25.1.1722 Tripartite assignment between 1. William Richmond, John Hill and Nathaniel Britten, 2. John Goodhind 3. Thomas Goodhind, reciting that Hill and Britten were possessed of last mentioned premises for remainder of term of 1000 years and that John Goodhind had bought them for £78 from Richmond, transferring the premises to Thomas Goodhind for the remainder of the Term of 1000 years

22/23.5.1728 Lease whereby John Goodhind granted in trust to John Chapp junior, Thomas Goodhind, their heirs and assigns in Saltford:
- 10 acre tenement wherein William Tunstall formerly dwelt with garden, orchard and farmyard belonging
- 10 acres of meadow called Pigsmore
- 5 acres of meadow called Boidlands alias Boideles
- 5 acres of meadow called Little Ten Acres
- 6 acres of meadow called Great Ten Acres
- 1 acre parrock adjoining
- 3 acre close of mead called Gillians Leaze
- 3 acre close of arable or pasture called Fishpoole
- 10 acres, 2 closes of arable or pasture called Shootes Leaze
- 0 acre messuage called Brownes with the orchard, gardens, backside adjoining
- 30 acre close of arable or pasture called Boidells
- 10 acre close lying near Greenways Hooke

to hold to the use of said John Goodhind for life, of his youngest son Thomas for life (trustees preserving so much of the premises as Thomas shall appoint for any woman he should marry for her life), of any sons and daughters of Thomas, and of John's second son Richard for life. Thomas died unmarried, Richard died leaving only a daughter who died under 21, therefore John's eldest son John became entitled to the premises (in 1762).

Abstracts of Saltford Deeds in 'The Schedule' (Somerset RO).

- 13.4.1568 Indenture of conveyance whereby William Horsey esq, Dorothy his wife and Bartholomew his son and heir bargain, sell, give and grant to John Goodhind, clothier, his heirs and assigns for ever. (property not specified)
- 20.4.1568 Deed poll of release whereby William Horsey and Bartholomew grant, enfeoff and confirm to John Goodhind the premises aforesaid to hold to the said John, his heirs and assigns for ever.
- Easter 1569 Chirograph of fine between John Goodhind plaintiff and William Horsey, Dorothy his wife and Brtholomew their son defendants.
- Easter 1615 Exemplification of fine between John Tynte esq plaintiff and William Fisher and Ann his wife defendants for 2 messuages in Saltford.
- Easter Chirograph of above fine.
- 12.4.1615 Indenture of lease whereby William Fisher and Anne his wife demise, grant, let and sell to John, Mary and Thomas Goodhind 2 messuages (formerly?) in the possession of Auste and Braine to hold for their lives and the longest liver of them.
- 4.8.1618 Indenture of conveyance whereby William Fisher grant, bargain, sell, alien and enfeoff to John Goodhind 2 messuages in Saltford, to hold to him and his heirs and assigns for ever.
- 4.8.1618 Indenture of conveyance whereby William Fisher grant, bargain, sell, alien and enfeoff to Thomas Tucker 2 messuages in possession of Robert Baker and Thomas Tibbott, to hold to him and his heirs and assigns for ever.
- 11.1618 Exemplification of fine between John Goodhind and Thomas Tucker plaintiffs and William Fisher and Anne his wife defendants for 4 messuages in Saltford.
- 23.12.1633 Indenture of conveyance whereby Thomas Tucker bargain, sell and alien to Thomas Goodhind a messuage with appurtenances in possession of William Goodhind, to hold to him and his heirs and assigns for ever.
- 9.1.1635 Exemplification of decree between William Fisher, gent, plaintiff, John Goddhind and William Stirridge defendants.
- 20.1.1635 Writ of execution of above decree to John Goddhind and William Stirridge.
- 30.3.1640 Indenture of fine whereby John Goodhind of Saltford and Agnes his wife covenant to John Goodhind of Whitchurch 6 meesuages in Saltford to the use of the said John of Whitchurch, his heirs and assigns for ever.
- Easter 1640 Two chirographs of fine between John Goodhind of Whitchurch plaintiff and John Goodhind of Saltford, Agnes his wife and Thomas Goodhind defendants for 4 messuages in Saltford.
- Michaelmas 1647 Two chirographs of fine between James and John Organ plaintiffs and John Goodhind, Mary his wife and Thomas Goddhind defendants for 4 messuages in Saltford.
- 24.6.1648 Indenture of conveyance between John Goodhind, Agnes his wife and Jeromy Goodhind of 1st part, Thomas Goodhind of 2nd part, Richard Wakeman and John Hopkins of 3rd part, whereby John Goodhind &c bargain, sell, assign to said Thomas Goodhind a messuage in Saltford to the use of Thomas, his heirs and assigns for ever.
- Trinity 1648 Two chirographs of fine between Thomas Goodhind plaintiff and John Goodhind, Agnes his wife and Jeromy Goodhind defendants for messuage in Saltford.
- Trinity 1648 Recovery suffered between Richard Wakeman, gent, and George Hopkins, gent, demandants, and Thomas Goodhind, tenant of above premises.
- 1.5.1669 Indenture of lease between Thomas Goodhind the elder and Thomas the younger of one part and Roger Waker of the other.
- 12.11.1686 Indenture of exchange between John Bayly and Thomas Goodhind the youngest.
- 1.7.1689 Indenture of assignment of mortgage between Thomas Goodhind and John Tyndall.
- 7.4.1690 Indenture of assignment of mortgage between John Tyndall and Walter Kippen.
- 12.4.1574 Indenture of conveyance whereby Bartholomew Horsey esq give, grant to William Goodhind, clothier, the lordship of the Manor of Saltford to hold to John {*} and his heirs and assigns for ever.
- (date illegible) 1574/75 Exemplification of a recovery between John Fisher and William Holbyn demandants and William Goodhind, tenant of the Manor of Saltford.

{*} the document relates to conveyance to William Goodhind, afterwards referred to (in error?) as John.

Estate of Thomas Goodhind the Younger (Gloucestershire RO).

D2071 E54) Thomas Goodhind the younger by his last will and testament in writing deviseth that (after the decease of his father Thomas Goodhind senior and the raising of £100 by a former settlement to be raised and paid as the said Thomas senior should direct) his executors in trust should upon the mortgage of a house & lands in the said will mentioned raise moneys to pay his debts, and should also raise the sum of £250 which he gave and bequeathed to his daughter Anne. And aftre his debts paid and the "250 raised he gives the premises to his son Thomas and his heirs - In case of death of Thomas before 21 or marriage he gives it to his daughter Anne & her heirs, And if Anne dies before 21 or maariage he gives it to his sister Hannah & her heirs. Thomas Goodhind the younger dies leaving issue his son Thomas and his daughter Anne and leaves another estate settled on his son besides what is charged with the £250 belonging formerly to the tenement and premises so charged with the payment of the said £250. Thomas Goodhind the younger before his death had charged the lands (charged with the payment of £250) with a mortgage of £100.
1. Query. Who is guardian to the 2 children of Thomas Goodhind the younger being both under age - The next of kin to whom the inheritance cannot descend which is the next of kin on the mother's side, who is Anne Fisher, grandmother by the mother.
2. Query. What order must the executors in trust observe in discharge of the debts and other sums charged by the will on the houses and lands - They must first pay the £100 charged on it by old Thomas Goodhind, then the £100 due on young Thomas Goodhind's mortgage, then the debts due by young Thomas Goodhind and then the £250 to Anne the daughter.
3. Query. By what methods may the trustee raise moneys on the premises devised - Only by mortgaging for they cannot sell.
4. Query. Whether may the guardians although there is as much {?} or more charged on the houses and lands as it will yield to sell pay off the debts charged on the houses and lands out of the other lands settled on the son by his mothers joynture - Although what is charged on the house and lands is more than it will yield to be sold for {?} the other lands yet it belonging to the other lands and its being sold of will be great prejudice perhaps to the remaining lands then the sums charged on it do amount to which if so I take it that in as much as the young son hath the portion of the house and lands the guardian ought by the profits of the other lands as much as she can to discharge the house and lands devised from the debts and incumbrances on it that it may be performed for the heir.
N.Wade 28.10.91 {?}.
D2071 E55) Know all men ... that I Thomas Goodhind of Saltford in the county of Somerset, clothier, do hereby acknowledge to have had and received of and from Henry Fisher of Newton St Loe in the same county gentleman a;; ... sums which he the said Henry Fisher hath received for me ... by virtue of his being a trustee for me by my fathers will and also all such deeds, evidence and writings which hath come to the said Henry Fisher's hands, power of possession that relates to or belongs to me ..... 20th December 1704. Thomas Goodhind (signed with seal) .... in the presence of Joseph Morris, John Cox, Edward Sheppard.

Draft Indenture and Receipt (Somerset RO).

DD/SOG 895, abstract) This indenture made May 1790 between Edward Baggridge of Keynsham, tailor, and wife Ann (administratrix of Thomas Goodhind her father, late of Stanton Drew, tanner, deceased one part, and George Bush late of Chelwood but now of Keynsham, yeoman. Whereas Edward Popham esquire of Littlecot, Wiltshire, on 22nd April 1760 leased to John Goodhind (father of the said Thomas Goodhind) one acre of ground whereon a farm house and building were erected on north side of Stanbridge Close, parcel of a tenement in the possession of Robert Hedges in the Manor of Publow formerly in the possession of William Wilcox (but now said Edward Baggridge) together with all ways, paths, passages, easements etc. for lives of Thomas and Elizabeth Goodhind, son and daughter of said John Goodhind or 99 years and life of Mary wife of said Thomas Goodhind aged 28. Whereas Thomas Goodhind died possessed of an intitled to the ground and whereas Ann Baggridge was administratrix of Thomas Goodhind is intitled to the premises for the rest of term of 99 years now determinable with the life of Elizabeth Bartlett formerly Elizabeth Goodhind and whereas George Bush hath contacted and agreed with Edward and Ann Baggridge for the absolute purchase of the said ground for £30 .......
DD/SOG 894, abstract) Received this --- day of August 1790 the sum of £5 of Mrs Ann Bagridge (the wife of Edward Bagridge of Keynsham, taylor) which said Ann Bagridge is one of the children and administratrix of Thomas Goodhind late of Stanton Drew, tanner deceased, which said sum of £5 is the full amount of my share as one of the children of the said Thomas Goodhind of his meadow of ground and also a messuage thereon lying at Publow sold by Edward Bagridge and Ann Bagridge to George Bush then of Keynsham, yeoman, for the sum of £30.
To prepare one foisaake bapt son of John Thomas
23.11.1605 Robert bapt son of George
12. 1.1605 Johan bapt dau of Thomas
. 3.1606 John bapt son of George
12.11.1607 Elizabeth bapt dau of Thomas John
.11.1607 Elizabeth bur dau of Thomas
. 5.1607 Robert bapt son of William
19. 6.1621 Mary bur dau of John
14. 7.1622 ? bapt the son of John William
30. 3.1623 Rebecca bapt dau of Thomas the youngest Thomas the
28. 9.1623 Mary bapt dau of Thomas the younger youngest
1630 nil
26. 9.1635 Joan widow, bur,
sometime the wife of George, deceased
19. 9.1636 Sarah bapt dau of Misack and Joane Misack
20. 9.1636 Sarah bur dau of Misack and Joane
23. 3.1636 Elizabeth bur dau of John and Sapience
1. 3.1637 John bapt son of Meshack and Joan Thomas
20.10.1639 Mary bapt dau of Misack and Joan William
1640 nil William
1660 nil

Goodhind Entries in Saltford Parish Registers.

28.12.1712 Mary bapt dau of Richard and Hannah
22.2.1714 Ann bapt dau of William and Elizabeth
22.3.1714 Henry bapt son of Edward and Elizabeth
2.1.1715 Ann bapt dau of Thomas and Mary
19.9.1715 Abegal bur
15.3.1716 Mary bapt dau of Edward and Elizabeth
25.12.1716 Elizabeth of Kelston mar William Saunders of Bath
12.8.1717 Hannah bapt dau of Thomas and Mary
15.3.1719 George bapt son of Edward and Elizabeth
17.12.1719 William bapt son of Thomas and Mary
22.7.1722 John bapt son of John and Mary
28.2.1723 Joyce bapt dau of Edward and Elizabeth
28.12.1724 Betty bapt dau of Thomas and Mary
8.1.1727 Joseph bapt son of Edward and Elizabeth
14.4.1727 Elizabeth bapt dau of John and Anne
17.2.1729 John bapt son of John and Anne
31.7.1729 Bethiah bapt dau of William and Elizabeth
12.11.1730 Thomas bapt son of John and Anne
10.4.1732 Samuel bapt son of Edward and Elizabeth
28.8.1744 Richard from Kelston Mills bur
3-4.1755 John junior mar Susanna Butcher (banns only)
30.3.1756 Mary bapt dau of John junior and Susannah
28.1.1757 Mr Thomas bur
14.10.1757 Betty bapt dau of John and Susannah
25.3.1758 Mrs Mary bur
6.7.1759 Joyce sp X mar Thomas Webb X
8.4.1760 Samuel bac mar Ann Harris sp X
25.8.1761 John bapt son of John and Susannah
22.11.1764 Susannah bapt dau of John and Susannah
4.3.1773 Edward bur
18.4.1779 Betty bur
17.5.1780 Susanna sp mar Ambrose Patient Dyer bac
24.8.1780 Elizabeth sp of Saltford mar William Bartlett wid of St Thomas Bristol
2.4.1781 Richard bac mar Sarah Hill sp X
9.4.1782 John bapt son of Richard and Sarah 'Gooding'
13.3.1783 Elizabeth sp mar James Hill bac
29.8.1784 Elizabeth bapt dau of Richard and Sarah 'Gooding'
27.12.1785 Elizabeth mar William Deane bac
13.8.1786 Thomas bapt son of Richard and Sarah
10.10.1786 Thomas bur
12.10.1788 Mary Dyer bapt dau of Richard and Sarah
18.11.1791 Mr John bur
15.4.1794 Mr William "a Batchelor from Gloucestershire" bur
22.6.1796 Mary pauper bur
26.9.1796 Thomas bapt son of Richard and Sarah
10.2.1799 Ann bapt dau of Richard and Sarah
29.4.1799 Charlotte Grant Goodhind sp mar George Becham bac
7.11.1801 Charlotte Becham young woman bur
2.9.1803 John gentleman bur
23.8.1807 Charles bapt base born son of Elizabeth
31.11.1811 Sarah bur
31.12.1812 Richard bur

Goodhind Entries in Publow Parish Registers.

17.11.1757 John Hazle bapt son of Mr Thomas
27.1.1758 John Hazle bur
13.11.1758 Anne bapt dau of Mr Thomas
-.10.1760 John bur son of Thomas
12.11.1760 John bapt son of Thomas "Goodwin"
3.2.1763 Elizabeth bapt dau of Thomas and Mary
8.2.1763 Elizabeth bur
7.5.1764 Mary bapt dau of Thomas and Mary
12.1.1765 Elizabeth bapt dau of Thomas and Mary
14.12.1766 Sarah bapt dau of Thomas and Mary
21.3.1768 John bur son of Thomas and Mary
10.2.1771 Thomas bapt son of Thomas and Mary at Queen Charlton
22.3.1772 Edith bapt dau of Thomas and Mary at Queen Charlton
13.3.1774 John bapt son of Thomas and Mary at Queen Charlton
13.3.1776 John bapt son of Thomas and Mary at Keynsham
20.1.1781 Sarah bur dau of Thomas and Mary
2.11.1784 Mrs Goodhind bur
8.3.1786 Thomas bur

Goodhind Entries in St Philip and St Jacob Parish Registers.

1695 William vintner of Bristol mar
1753 Ann bur
1753 Anne bapt dau of Joseph
1753 Joseph bur
1753 Joseph mar Elizabeth Fairbank of St Philip and St Jacob
1754 Samuel bapt son of Joseph
1759 Elizabeth bapt dau of Joseph
1760 Joseph bur
1760 Joseph bur
1761 Ann bapt dau of Samuel
1762 Joseph bapt son of Joseph
1763 George bapt of Samuel and Ann
1764 Goodhind bur
1764 Joseph bur
1764 Mary bapt dau of Joseph
1765 George bapt son of Samuel and Ann
1768 John bapt son of Joseph
1768 Joyce bapt dau of Samuel and Ann
1769 Goodhind bur
1769 Joseph bur
1770 Joyce bapt dau of Samuel and Ann
1770 Mary bapt dau of Joseph
1772 Sarah bapt dau of Joseph
1775 Goodhind bur
1775 Joseph bur
1776 Thomas bapt son of Samuel and Ann
1778 Goodhind bur
1779 Goodhind bur
1779 James bapt son of Samuel and Mary
1779 Joseph bur
1779 Richard bapt son of Samuel and Ann
1783 Goodhind bur
1795 Ann bapt dau of George and Mary
1802 George bapt son of George and Mary
1812 Samuel bapt son of Samuel and Mary

Goodhind Entries in Whitchurch Parish Registers.

10.11.1614 John bapt son of John
17. 3.1617 Richard bapt son of John
2.10.1645 Richard bur
1. 6.1646 Sara bur the wife of John the younger
26. 5.1649 John bur son of John the younger
4. 6.1651 John bapt son of John junior
20. 5.1652 John bur son of John junior
10. 4.1653 Judieth bapt dau of John junior
22. 5.1656 Sarah bapt dau of John the younger
24. 2.1657 Marily bur wife of John junior
26.10.1658 Elizabeth bapt dau of John and Judith
1. 2.1660 John ye ollder bur
10. 4.1661 John bapt son of John and Judith
18. 6.1668 Marie mar Thomas Friday
4. 8.1677 John yeaoman of this parish bur
28.11.1694 Judith spinster was bur in the Chancel
5. 3.1700 John bapt son of John and Mary
22.10.1701 Judith widow bur
1.12.1701 Mary bapt dau of John and Mary
21.12.1702 Thomas bapt son of John and Mary
21. 7.1704 Richard bapt son of John and Mary
25. 9.1706 Judith bapt dau of John and Mary
20. 5.1709 Thomas bur son of John and Mary
7. 9.1710 Thomas bapt son of John and Mary
18. 3.1737 Mr John bur
7. 5.1743 Mrs Mary bur ye wife of ye late Mr John
3. 9.1749 Ann bapt dau of Richard and Mary
17.10.1748 Mr Thomas bur
6. 5.1754 Mr Richard bur
31.12.1758 John bur
12. 2.1762 Miss Anne bur dau of the late Mr Richard and Mrs Mary
13. 1.1767 John bur
8. 2.1773 Mr John of Safford bur

Miscellaneous Records.

- Ann (Godden) bur Corston 1648
- Ann (Goding) dau of James and Betty bapt Bitton 1797
- Betty Goodhine = Walter Darby 1734 at Batheaston
- Elizabeth of Martock =Robert Leach of Beer Crocumbe 1716
- Every bur Newton St Loe 1680
- George Goodhin admitted freeman Bath 1656 bur St James, Bath 1657
- George aged 19 convicted at Wells assizes 1786 of stealing four pairs of stockings, velvet, etc. from shop of James Dudden - 14 years transportation (Bath Journal 28.8)
- Joan c1628-33 (Wells Marriage Bonds 279 - also refers to John of Whitchurch)
- Joan dau of Richard and Rachel bapt 1645 at Keynsham
- John = Mary Spelman 1750 at St James Bath
- John bur Kelston 1778
- Joseph 1830-37 brickmaker and 1841 brushmaker, Lamb Street, Bristol (poll books). In 1851 census as brickmaker's labourer, born Newchurch , Gloucestershire, c1790 with wife Mary (basket woman, born Newchurch c1789) and son Samuel, cutlery hawker (born Bristol c1820; died Bristol 1875 aged 56)
- Mary c1618-27 (Wells Marriage Bonds 1093)
- Mary bur Kelston 1786
- Mary, spinster = James Winsor, bachelor 1802 at Keynsham
- Mary = James Baker 1807 at St Michael's Bath
- Rebecca bapt 1758 at Trim Street Presbyterian Church, Bath - dau of John of Cullumpton, Devon - Samuel, solicitor, Stapleton Road, Bristol 1837-41 (Poll Books); will proved PCC 1849 - mentions sister Ann Webb
- Samuel, brickmaker, Gloucester Road, Bristol 1830-41 (Poll Books)
- Sarah bur Kelston 1748
- Stephen apprenticed to Thomas Young, cabinet maker, Bath 1771
- Thomas of St Michael's bur Bathwick 1773
- Thomas Goodhine = Elizabeth Griffeth 1641 at Bath Abbey
- Thomas aged 2 months of Camden Street, Walcot bur Bathwick 1813
- William (Goodhine) bur Bath Abbey 1643
- William, vintner of Bristol = Sarah Caduggan 1695 at St Philip, Bristol. He was dead by 1731 when his widow Sarah of Bristol brought a chancery suit as sole executor of the will of her nephew, Alexander Caduggan, late of Bristol
- William (Goodhine) of Claverton Buildings, Lyncomb and Wydcomb 1837
- Keynsham parish registers. Robert and Katherine "Godwin" were parents of Elinor bapt 1630 (bur 1630 as Godwin), Thomas bapt 1631, Elinor bapt 1634 (= Henry Cooke 1664) and Robert bapt 1637 (probably the Robert Godwin who by his wife Jane was father of Mary bapt 1663)
Margaret dau of John Godwin bur 1642
Mary wife of Thomas Gooding bur 1674; Edward Gooding bur 1678
A child of William and Mary Goodhind bur 1751